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  1. Confucamus

    Crime Four LEOs dead and Four Injured in Charlotte, NC Shooting. Suspect dead.

    Maybe wait until the 4 Police Officers who were just slaughtered have been removed from the crime scene. Also important is that King's ONLY response to the tragedy was to complain about gun control without any useful ideas of his own. The same people who mock "Thoughts and prayers" are the ones...
  2. Confucamus

    Crime Four LEOs dead and Four Injured in Charlotte, NC Shooting. Suspect dead.

    Got damn, what a piece of shit thing to say after a tragedy like this. I used to love King's work and I've probably read over 30 of his books. What a disappointment he turned into such an asshole.
  3. Confucamus

    Crime Four LEOs dead and Four Injured in Charlotte, NC Shooting. Suspect dead.

    RIP to these Heroes in Blue. Apparently there were two shooters total. One started firing from the house after the first shitbag got turned into a human sprinkler on the front lawn. The videos are terrifying. Sad that this disclaimer has to be said at all.
  4. Confucamus

    Social MMA Guru is skeptical on why Michael Chandler adopted black children.

    The overwhelming majority of racism on Twitter comes from black people, so that's no surprise. It's moronic to criticize Chandler for adopting a child just because the child is black. All anyone should care about is if the child is being cared for and taught good morals.
  5. Confucamus

    Crime MAGA Republican NY DA Sandra Doorley runs from the police

    Any evidence in this story that the way she was treated by the cops had something to do with her race? Like any at all? If you think they overreacted, that's fair enough. But you can't just ascribe a racial aspect to this incident just because of the woman's race alone.
  6. Confucamus

    Crime MAGA Republican NY DA Sandra Doorley runs from the police

    Silly narrative, with no factual basis.
  7. Confucamus

    Crime Convicted Rapist Sentenced to Physical Castration

    From what I've read, he was sentenced to be chemically castrated, but chose physical castration instead.
  8. Confucamus

    Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Isreal

    Look up "ghetto lottery." What does this matter? He tried to pull a gun on police. Too bad Sterling didn't listen. That was to placate the brats protesting this incident. Notice that either weren't charged with murder? Why do you think that is? Eh, it kinda is though. If you don't think the...
  9. Confucamus

    Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Isreal

    He's absolutely right, and it's been proven time and time again. Leftists justify and even celebrate Ashli Babbit's death. LOL at "she had a knife on her." Alton Sterling died trying to pull a gun out of his pocket to murder two police officers and that set off a wave of protests from BLM assholes.
  10. Confucamus

    Social Landmark Dutch study shows those pesky conservatives were right all along: Kids grow out of "gender confusion"

    Thanks for proving my point, you complete dolt of a human being. I'm going to assume you're asking sincerely and not coming from your usual shithead point of view. Defending trans people is a good thing. Defending trans people while simultaneously insulting them is a bad thing. I'll allow you...
  11. Confucamus

    Social Landmark Dutch study shows those pesky conservatives were right all along: Kids grow out of "gender confusion"

    Posters like these two geeks don't seem smart enough to see the irony of them defending trans people....... by using being attracted to trans people as an insult.
  12. Confucamus

    Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Isreal

    I'm sure the media will blow Biden's "Charlottesville moment" completely out of proportion like they did with Trump's.
  13. Confucamus

    Social Landmark Dutch study shows those pesky conservatives were right all along: Kids grow out of "gender confusion"

    This, much like the whole suicide narrative, is another example of a falsehood used to justify ridiculous changes to society to appease trans people. I do believe it is only a very vocal minority of the trans population that peddle this nonsense, but the media loves to amplify this narrative...
  14. Confucamus

    Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

    So it's not bullshit at all then. You were just calling it bullshit because of your emotions. It's what I figured, but I had to confirm. Thanks.
  15. Confucamus

    Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

    I know what happened. Just wondering why she wasn't able to get it voided like she wanted. You asserted it was bullshit to begin with.
  16. Confucamus

    Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

    Who cares? Letitia James wanted it voided entirely. Why didn't that happen?
  17. Confucamus

    International ROFL! Tucker on Rogan's show only got 4k views after almost a day of being up

    5.5 million views now. I only got about 15 minutes in earlier today, so I'm going to wait until I finish it to have a more informed opinion on it. Rather than just 3 or 4 minute clips many posters are basing their opinion on.
  18. Confucamus

    Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

    So the bond wasn't "bullshit" after all? Just going by your assertion.
  19. Confucamus

    Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

    How come no update from you? Judge rules against NY attorney general, says Trump's $175M judgment bond will stand New York Attorney General Letitia James sought to invalidate former...