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  1. T

    One week out to an MMA fight. How do you train (fighters and coaches advises only)?

    Rest the body, you would of had a hard camp getting ready and you want to make sure you are feeling as good as possible for your fight
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    Is this 2 mile time normal?

    Travs has nailed it. He's a bit quicker than me over the longer stuff (20mins for a 5k and 11:5X for 3000m) It's all about what you are looking to achieve from the running
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    Hill sprints/repeats question

    Got to enjoy your training! Track session for me tomorrow
  4. T

    Hill sprints/repeats question

    Just go and run up the hill explosively with good form for 30-40 seconds, jog back down and repeat x 6-15 times depending on your fitness. Make sure you do a decent warm up run before and some striders and other mobilising bits before you start running up a hill all out.
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    Cardio Machines

    Bike for me, find it much easier to do small bursts of intensity on them. Rower if you could use your legs would be probably be better
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    Rant: unfit personal trainers

    Feedback on technique, helping you learn new movments/lifts safely?
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    Rant: unfit personal trainers

    When I went to get a PT as wanted to learn a bit more around technique and planning (Goals are different to pure strength) The PT i went with squatted in excess 220kg , cleans 175kg and that was one of the reasons I felt he could help me, and he did.
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    Home Gym Set up

    Do any of you have a list of what you would prioritise for a home gym? I have a reasonable sized garage and looking to get the following as a minimum Rack/Platform Bike + Turbo Trainer Punch bag Wall fitted pull up + dip bar Then ideally Some kettlebells Slamballs Box for box jumps Anything...
  9. T

    What's an average training week for you look like?

    Monday - Steady run (4-5 mile) + Gym (Push/Pull) Tuesday - Easy morning run & Track pm (50-200m stuff) Wednesday - Gym (Cleans/Snatch/Sqauts) Thursday- Easy morning run & Track pm (400-1600 reps) Friday - off Saturday - Parkrun + Possible gym session depending on body Sunday - Long run 10m+
  10. T

    Why do accomplished Runners do so poorly at MMA cardio?

    Best thing was he put 12-15mph which is even more hilarious then got angry when called out on it! I've just been out for a steady morning run 5k in about 23 mins which for me isn't too painful but not too quick either. I know a few boxers who do plenty of road miles as well and they are...
  11. T

    Why do accomplished Runners do so poorly at MMA cardio?

    Why do people have to lie on the internet! Also with treadmills the quality of their measurements are exceptionally questionable as has already been mentioned so I again reiterate my point getting non runners to run 12-15mph is ridiculous 12mph is still insanely fast for serious runners...
  12. T

    Why do accomplished Runners do so poorly at MMA cardio?

    What a load of rubbish! Most people struggle to run 7.30min miles for an hour, it's cleary not useless unless you are just playing golf! 15mph hour is 4 minute miles....people that don't run really can't grasp how fast that is. My county 5 miler brings a great standard of runner and not a...
  13. T

    Why do accomplished Runners do so poorly at MMA cardio?

    As someone who did a lot of BJJ/MMA for a few years a while ago and have just completed Manchester marathon last month all I can say is its a completely different type of fatigue. MMA/BJJ is a short, sharp, max effort movements followed by sustained pressure Running is a lot of slow, long...
  14. T

    What pisses you off at the gym?

    People staring..... For context: I go to an exceptionally commercial gym where groups of 3-4 people at a time loitering around the bench etc I'm not very strong at all but if I'm doing anything such as push press, cleans, snatch balances & even rack pulls I do seem to get a lot of glances and...
  15. T

    The hardest exercise or equipment?

    Yeah hard effort 800m are grim, the last 200m or so is really character building! I think anything like that (Air Dyne, Watt Bike, Rower) Where you put in hard hard efforts to oxygen depletion are just vile!
  16. T

    All JACKED sherdoggers, post your lifts!

    5'9 and 168lbs (76kg) Not done a huge amount recently as only getting to the gym at most twice a week whilst running 30 miles a week and climbing around once a week as well Bench: 110kg Deadlift: 165kg Squat: 145/150kg
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    Really impressive bit of equipment! I used to do a multitude of different workouts 30 mins intense (Focusing on average power over the 30 mins) Interval sessions with things like 10 second sprints (Breaking over XXXXwatts each time)
  18. T

    How has your social life been since you started training?

    Social life - dead High pressure sales job - 50 or so hours a week minimum primarily home based 35-40 miles a week running - unless doing a track session with someone else from the running club I generally run on my own as too much time wasted getting to someone elses, run, the chat after...
  19. T

    Running best cardio rebuilder?

    A lot of cardio doesn't have as much carryover as people expect/want I run a fair bit (30-35 miles a week) and can do 8mph but I'am nowhere near as good on the bike as I would expect even with quite powerful legs compared to the average cyclist. Also with running people say it wrecks your...
  20. T

    Best Running Backpacks?

    Inov8 and OMM are normally pricey but great quality. I have a smaller Inov8 one (Race Pro 10l) that I use for long runs (Fit in lightweight jacket, bottle of water, hat, gloves, wallet, phone etc and still has plenty of space)