Social ‘Don’t get sick. It’s too expensive’: medical debt is putting more Americans in financial crisis

I just said it was the same plan, lie, cheat, pretend like smelling roses. How's obamacare working out? as I thought.
Wouldn’t know never had it, heard the website was terrible and didn’t wish to be associated with the roll out.

So we’re are just stuck with two parties doing the same thing, that sucks.

But we are at least mad at both of them, right?
Healthcare costs in this country have been an embarrassment for decades. Decades. It's a broken system, but it's working as designed. Enrich the insurance companies, enrich the medical industry, enrich the pharmaceutical companies, and bankrupt the lower and middle class.


But cue the retards coming in and blaming...let's see here...Israel? Sure, why not. Blame everything except the actual problem.
Our government spending our tax dollars on anything and everything except improving our lives is the actual problem.
There's nothing that doesn't put the average Joe in "financial crisis" these days.
Gotta wonder why we are the only first world country without socialized healthcare
Our government spending our tax dollars on anything and everything except improving our lives is the actual problem.
That's certainly a decent chunk of the problem, but hardly the entire problem. If the government just poured more tax payer dollars into the system we have now, all you'd be doing is transferring even more lower / middle class money into the coffers of the wealthy. It wouldn't actually solve anything, because they have gamed the system so much. This is a lesson everybody should have learned from the quantitative easing boondoggle after the housing market collapsed. These companies are not interested in helping people. They aren't interested in being fair. The only thing they are interested in is profit.

How the fuck can you know that and expect anything besides the shit show we have now? Our healthcare catastrophe isn't some mystery. It's simply the end result of unfettered Capitalism having its way with an industry that ought to be a publicly-run human right. Or did you really think these massive corporations, who are beholden to nobody but their shareholders, were going to take less money so that prices could stay reasonable?

The actual solution is universal healthcare. Shut down these asshole insurance companies and bring some sanity back to healthcare pricing. And then greatly increase government regulation on healthcare services and pharmaceuticals. We gave the free market a chance to self-regulate, and this is the result. The experiment is over.
Yeah but 100 billion would've gone a long way to fix a lot of that mess, Slava Ukrani.
And the $2 trillion spent in Afghanistan. And the untold trillions wasted by the military otherwise over the last several decades. Let's not pretend that it's a new phenomenon. Outrageous military spending has absolutely fucked Americans out of a decent future. We could have used that money to build dozens of NPPs and upgraded our entire electrical grid and still had money left over to build millions of homes. It would have solved our energy and housing problems. Instead we used it to kill brown people and further destroy our worldwide reputation.
Murica: Sick? Have you considered bankruptcy?

Canada: Sick? Have you considered dying?
And the $2 trillion spent in Afghanistan. And the untold trillions wasted by the military otherwise over the last several decades. Let's not pretend that it's a new phenomenon. Outrageous military spending has absolutely fucked Americans out of a decent future. We could have used that money to build dozens of NPPs and upgraded our entire electrical grid and still had money left over to build millions of homes. It would have solved our energy and housing problems. Instead we used it to kill brown people and further destroy our worldwide reputation.
So then we agree.
The average diet for Americans is atrociously bad. People drink soda in place of water. Eat candy and processed trash that amounts to low dose poison.

The immune system has to rid you of all of the chemical additives and such, which strains your entire system. If you think of it as your own personal army, which it is, doing so is like overworking them and throwing at them enemies that they shouldn't have to be fighting and dying against.

The addiction to that stuff is crazy.
This is the only post you’ve written that I agree with.
At some point Americans get what they've got coming though. People have access to all the information they could ever want and more through the internet. Yet, they wake up and go to Dunkin' Donuts and get a shake with 500 calories in pure sugar and a donut, segue into 2000 calories of Taco Bell for lunch, munch on chocolate bars in the afternoon at work, come home and stuff their face full of simple carbs like chips while they wait for their pizza to arrive, and wash it down with some ice cream because, you know, they deserved a reward. Bitch, your life is nothing but a sequence of rewards. Full-on toddler behaviour 24/7, and they act like you're the weird one for not participating.

There were two studies who examined insulin resistance in the US and they found that ~85% of the population was metabolically unhealthy, in other words 85% was either diabetic, pre-diabetic or had a significant degree of insulin resistance and is well on their way to a proper diagnosis.
Trump isn't wrong though, Obamacare does suck unless you're dirt poor. Otherwise you're stuck paying hundreds, if not thousands in premiums in addition to thousands of dollars in deductibles. It's a fucking joke.
I mention earlier the woman I know said here insurance fully covered mammograms after Obama care she got charged $1000. I know other people that got screwed because of Obamacare.
This is the only post you’ve written that I agree with.

Well, you coulda hit me with a like instead of an underhanded compliment. But cool, I guess. Thanks.

I'll also add to it that sugar is in almost everything here, which is another major contributing factor to the overall poor health of our nation's people.
Well, you coulda hit me with a like instead of an underhanded compliment. But cool, I guess. Thanks.

I'll also add to it that sugar is in almost everything here, which is another major contributing factor to the overall poor health of our nation's people.
I got you man!
You can easily get the same quality of medical treatment for 10x less in Russia.
my health plan:

-drink good water
-eat good food
-get good sleep
-get some sun
-exercise everyday
-brush and floss
-practice gratitude
-breathe deep and stretch
-spend time with friends
Yup. Most folks haven't heard of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, which is unique in that it's cash only and no insurance is accepted. They have a posted list of prices for all their procedures, and in most cases that price is somewhere around 20% of what it costs in other hospitals. 20%. 1/5th of the regular cost. That's the kind of cost savings which is possible if we get rid of the health insurance racket. Go after the price fixing and other anti-competitive practices in the pharmaceutical and medical supply field and that cost drops even more, you could likely get healthcare cost down to around 10% of what it currently is, and at that point the federal budget balances out AND we all have affordable healthcare.

But we can't do that since healthcare is something like 20-25% of GDP, which is about what the banking & financial sector is worth. No way in hell an industry with that much money in it is going to willingly give it up.
Sounds awesome.

I paid out of pocket for insurance for 10 years. Had a 10k deductible. Every expense would go to deductible. Over a 10 year period, I paid about 100k in premiums, deductibles, and overall health care. Then I went insurance free, paid 15k for the decade. Both costs represent total family costs including some pregnancies.

If you have insurance, something could cost you 5k. No insurance cash price is like 2k.
my health plan:

-drink good water
-eat good food
-get good sleep
-get some sun
-exercise everyday
-brush and floss
-practice gratitude
-breathe deep and stretch
-spend time with friends
That is a good plan.
End the American genocide.

Stop framing opposition to socialized medicine as a political disagreement and start treating it as murder.

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