‘Toni the Tampon’ Teaches Children That Men Can Menstruate

Men can menstruat. I see it daily on here from our typical resident leftist cucks.

Great thread btw.
Imma need you to update the 1st page of the potwr thread champ. Thanks.

"...to instruct children that men can menstruate."
Shit, they don't need a book for all that, just point them in the direction of any of the endless leftoid anti-Trump cry-fest threads that pop up here daily.
I trust Max the Pad more.
Just when you thought the left couldn't get anymore bat shit crazy.......
This is almost as crazy as that Noah's Ark coloring book I saw that claims the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Only difference is Toni the Tampon will sell about 10 copies and they will be used as gag gifts, while millions of innocent children will actually have their minds deeply poisoned by fundamentalist Christian lies.

Sorry, but it's true.

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I'd say this is completely insane if it weren't for all the conservative posts I see in here everyday. "Yes Virginia, men do menstruate."
How about we cross the aisle and agree on this one?
Imma need you to update the 1st page of the potwr thread champ. Thanks.

lol did you get exiled?

whats really REALLY cool about the first page is that posts can't store much content... IT'S SO FUN! (FUCKING ANNOYING). Let alone the fact losing work done (because I should have drafted first in Word) on these forums because of the fact.
I always thought the blood on the toilet paper was from me over wiping to hard.

Now I know.


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