“I’m not holding up the division. Stop crying, idiots !” - Stipe

All the badasses in here LOL.

The unfortunate reality is, it appears Stipe is looking at the bigger picture here. The firefighting gig, may not pay what a title fight does, but.....

Retiring as a Full-time Unionized Fireman > Retiring as punch drunk independent contractor.

Stipe is smarter than it would seem.
Curtis Blaydes said it best- Stipe should choose between being a firefighter or an active fighter. There are guys like Blaydes and Ngannou who are only committed to one thing- being a future champ and defending the belt 3-4 times a year. If that is not Stipe's goals anymore, that is fine. He should retire and spend time with his kid, and be a firefighter. He said a year ago he enjoyed being away from fighting and spending time with his family. That is great for Stipe. I say have his trilogy with DC, and both guys can retire. They had great careers. Time for a new HW champ like Francis or Blaydes- who both said they want to defend the belt 3-4 times a year if they ever became champ. You cannot have any Heavyweight champ barely defending his title once a year. We had Cain Velasquez for 5 years fighting once a year against Bigfoot Silva or JDS. Now we have Stipe Family Man Miocic. Enough is enough.
Retire then if that’s the case and get the fuck out of mma. Nobody cares that he’s a firefighter lmao how is that supposed to benefit the fans?
fuck the fans he fights for himself and his family
How so? I never understood this assumption.. do Title Holders get paid per day they hold the belt? Nah they don't get paid till they fight again.

Take your logic somewhere logic is worth something.
DC will beat stipe, take the belt and then sit on it while dodging francis. Francis must be in the worst situation possible because he should fight for the belt yet DC will do it, then i doubt DC will take another fight.
How so? I never understood this assumption.. do Title Holders get paid per day they hold the belt? Nah they don't get paid till they fight again.
Sponsorphip, status, more oportunities to make money
He's been even more inactive than Conor and Khabib since his first DC fight so yes, he is holding the division up. Even before the first DC fight he wasn't the most active champ and sat around for a while demanding more money. If Stipe really wanted to train he could.
Is there some sort of shortage of first responders or firefighters right now In Ohio?

If he wanted to get it done he would.

He does realize its possible to go train somewhere else for a few weeks right?
fuck the fans he fights for himself and his family

Yea ok sure, only problem with that is, HE WONT FIGHT

If we don’t have this shit figured after next Tuesday we’re gonna have to strip this dude and call him Stripe from now on
Take your logic somewhere logic is worth something.
Being Champion puts you on a different level when it comes to sponsorships, exposure and overall demand. Don’t pretend like that isn’t the case.
for context
since July 9th 2018 Francis has fought 4 times even with two cancellations. Stipe needs to hurry up and get this division moving again
Why doesn't Francis fight the number 1 ranked contender in the division? Who has fewer losses in the same division and has actually been champion of the division and didn't shit the bed with bad cardio when he got his opportunity?

Notice how DC isn't exactly calling to face Francis for the title either

The only way they can have a leg to stand on by stripping Stipe is to have Jones/Francis for the title and let Stipe get first shot when he can fight. But they aren't going to strip Stipe and announce a title fight when they wont have fans in the stands and lose out on a massive gate.
Being Champion puts you on a different level when it comes to sponsorships, exposure and overall demand. Don’t pretend like that isn’t the case.

I'll refer you to the post of mine that you quoted.
Im sorry but he sounds like a dumbass at this point, ohio has barely any infected when compared to California or even Florida (where the fights are taking place) gyms are still closed in florida to the public... key word “public”
Stipe needs to stop pretending like his team wouldn’t open the gym doors to have private sessions thats not illegal and never was.

ufc should make it a rule if you don't fight within a year you get automatically stripped
That's dumb then more than half the champs getting stripped. It should be after a year interm belt should open up and if the interm holder defends the title before unification the champ should get lowered to interm and the interm holder becomes the official champ if he defends his interm title.
Curtis Blaydes said it best- Stipe should choose between being a firefighter or an active fighter. There are guys like Blaydes and Ngannou who are only committed to one thing- being a future champ and defending the belt 3-4 times a year. If that is not Stipe's goals anymore, that is fine. He should retire and spend time with his kid, and be a firefighter. He said a year ago he enjoyed being away from fighting and spending time with his family. That is great for Stipe. I say have his trilogy with DC, and both guys can retire. They had great careers. Time for a new HW champ like Francis or Blaydes- who both said they want to defend the belt 3-4 times a year if they ever became champ. You cannot have any Heavyweight champ barely defending his title once a year. We had Cain Velasquez for 5 years fighting once a year against Bigfoot Silva or JDS. Now we have Stipe Family Man Miocic. Enough is enough.

Whats holding Blaydes back from a title shot? The fact that Stipe isn't there or the guy in front of him KO'd Blaydes already? That theres a former champion that's made a successful title defense already in front of Francis as well. That there's potentially the MMA GOAT in Jon Jones who can get a title shot any second he wants. But it's all Stipe's fault Blaydes is being held back.

Plus he still has to wait another month for his next fight.
Dude is by far the worst HW champ we've had in the UFC. If he doesn't sign the contract to fight DC by August he needs to be stripped. It's pathetic and ridiculous at this point.
Not even close


Check out those dates, playboi
Running out of fucks to give about Stipe
Does he think he will get more money if he waits longer ? What’s the angle here ? He said no because of eyes/fire fighting/rona at this point
What am I missing here ?
Not even close

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Check out those dates, playboi
Difference is Cain had a legitimate reason to be out as he had serious injuries, he didn't just sit out refusing to fight because he had a side job he cared about more.

Obv just my opinion but Cain was also a lot more likeable, dude wasn't a cry baby who always complained about his pay, didn't act super entitled to getting a HW Title shot (came back and destroyed Travis Brown to work his way back up the rankings), and gave us super entertaining fights where he took risks.