100 days sober today


Teenage Mutant Ninja Pothead
Oct 30, 2007
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And loving it. Busy kicking alcoholisms ass and enjoying time with the family for the first time in many years. Finally happy again and excited about my future. I hope all you guys are enjoying the holidays. Love you sherbros and god bless

This calls for a drink!

... of water, silly!
And loving it. Busy kicking alcoholisms ass and enjoying time with the family for the first time in many years. Finally happy again and excited about my future. I hope all you guys are enjoying the holidays. Love you sherbros and god bless
Good news. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up. Happy Holidays.

Been completely sober for 1yr, 4 months and 25 days.
congrats man! I've been sober for over 4 years, and i don't say this to brag but just to let you know that it's possible, it gets worse before it gets worse but then it gets better.
keep it up and stay strong.
Prior to this I did not drink as often but when I did (2-3 times a year) I went for days.

Can get a bit boring at times and find I keep to myself more (than I used to) but waking up knowing where I am, what I spent my money on and that I did not do anything stupid is a great trade off for a bit of boredom.
Prior to this I did not drink as often but when I did (2-3 times a year) I went for days.

Can get a bit boring at times and find I keep to myself more (than I used to) but waking up knowing where I am, what I spent my money on and that I did not do anything stupid is a great trade off for a bit of boredom.
boredom can be a good motivator. i vastly prefer it over drunk nights out and feeling like barf the next day.

i drank too much, a couple of times a week, it cost a lot of money and it wasn't fun so I promised a friend I'd stop and I did. was hell for the first weeks/months
And loving it. Busy kicking alcoholisms ass and enjoying time with the family for the first time in many years. Finally happy again and excited about my future. I hope all you guys are enjoying the holidays. Love you sherbros and god bless

never been addicted to the booze, but I did binge drink a bit at weekends, until I discovered MMA, the better I got, the more I rolled and the less time I had for booze.

even though, I no longer roll, {its a young man's game} I still have zero interest in booze

last time I was ''drunk'' was a friends 21st birthday party....on the 22nd of September 2006.
Congrats sir. Merry Christmas.
congrats and i wish you many more days... i cant seem get passed day 7..