30 years old: limit?

30 is not even at your prime for strength and power. Recovering from bruises and injury, speed and flexibility will start to go first but you got about 5 years to notice that... You'll be fine dude. Keep up the great work!
Can I ask how much you're paying for 10 krav classes a week ?

I ask because I'm thinking of upping my boxing training, supplementing with privates but it will be close to $200 a month, unsure if its an obscene amount to spend

thanks all of you for the inputs.
i dont think im old but im not 15 anymore and i wanted to share experiences with other people around my age. Again thanks for the inputs.

I live in Brasil, im brazilian, living in S
thanks all of you for the inputs.
i dont think im old but im not 15 anymore and i wanted to share experiences with other people around my age. Again thanks for the inputs.

I live in Brasil, im brazilian, living in S
Im 30, i wake up every morning like i have been hit by a truck, i feel 50 years old, because of all the accumulated injuries and stiffness.
I do 2x strength and 3-5 times bjj. Feel totally stiff most of the day, which is probably a product of bad posture and a sedentary lifestyle for well over a decade.
Trying really hard to get flexible/ loose but it feels like an uphill battle, strengthwise i am much stronger than in my 20's and skillwise i also keep getting better.
Sometimes i begin to question my conditioning, which has never been really good, but i dont really feel much progress in it so it feels like it might be declining, but thats probably between my ears.
I'll be 30 soon enough and I'm the strongest I've ever been. I think you need to be a bit more careful as you age but it's hardly the top of the hill.
@ Respeezy - Desk stretches for the win.

I used to work at a call center where I would basically be at a desk 5 days a week 9 hours a day.

Little things make a big difference with how much that will impact you.

Seems obvious, but walk on your breaks. Stand at your desk 5-10 minutes of every hour if you can.

You can do a surprising amount of stretching in an office chair (especially if you are inflexible)
I woke up the other morning with wood so hard I could have pounded nails with it. Man it's been a long time since I could do that.

I'm still as strong as fuck though.
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The only thing I find difficult as I get older is more life responsibilities/stresses which can effect work/recovery capacity.
@ Respeezy - Desk stretches for the win.

I used to work at a call center where I would basically be at a desk 5 days a week 9 hours a day.

Little things make a big difference with how much that will impact you.

Seems obvious, but walk on your breaks. Stand at your desk 5-10 minutes of every hour if you can.

You can do a surprising amount of stretching in an office chair (especially if you are inflexible)

The funny or sad thing is i dont have a desk job and can do what i want when i want, i just sit down behind my computer a lot and for some stupid reason only started stretching a few months ago after many years. I am literally stretching and doing activation exercises for hours every day. But there is a lot to fix.
I only started stretching at lunch after 20 years of sitting in a car 8 hours a day wrecked my hips and lower back. Now all the stretching I do is barely better than just trying to retain and keep from getting worse.