60,000 dead and 80 billion in damages a year- Opioids

For the people saying "some people really do need opiates for pain" - have you ever taken an opiate? Opiates don't do anything for the physical, actual pain. 800mg of ibuprofen manage pain 10x better

But the opiates change the way your brain deals with the pain. Its like they make you forget about it.

They make you feel invincible. And theyre fun as fuck. Who doesnt want to feel unstoppable?
No one wants to be like them. Do you think people start off right out of the gate taking illicit oxy? A very large segment of the people affected are just Joe Normal's trying to recover from some illness or injury of some sort and get hooked.

I suffered a collapsed lung one time. When I left the hospital, they gave me a 30-day supply of Dilauded ( sort of a step below oxycontin on the strength scale. I could have gotten by on Advil. I have a thing about pills, but someone prone to abuse, say an alcoholic, might have easily gotten hooked on them. But once I can't get them from a doctor anymore what would I do? If you're addicted you can't just stop.

It's really sad that in this day and age people can't understand that it's one thing to dabble in some drugs, and most people think they can do it without repercussions, but once you're addicted, you're basically fucked. A sick individual with no control over the addiction. Why do you think people still smoke even knowing it will almost surely kill them?
that's a load of crap. I've broken bones been in hospitals been perscribed pills. I only took a few when i first got home and just dealt with the pain most the time because i don't want to look like those people. Just because you think you can dabble and won't have any repercussion doesn't mean people should understand and feel for you. In the end you got yourself hooked
For the people saying "some people really do need opiates for pain" - have you ever taken an opiate? Opiates don't do anything for the physical, actual pain. 800mg of ibuprofen manage pain 10x better

But the opiates change the way your brain deals with the pain. Its like they make you forget about it.

They make you feel invincible. And theyre fun as fuck. Who doesnt want to feel unstoppable?

Yeah Ibuprofen is not helping my shattered femur. Certainly didn´t help my 6 year old nephew with 3rd degree burns on 55% of his body. Nice try buddy
Yeah Ibuprofen is not helping my shattered femur. Certainly didn´t help my 6 year old nephew with 3rd degree burns on 55% of his body. Nice try buddy
Not all pain, no.

And i hope you're careful, otherwise you may wake up in 10 years asking wtf happened.
For the people saying "some people really do need opiates for pain" - have you ever taken an opiate? Opiates don't do anything for the physical, actual pain. 800mg of ibuprofen manage pain 10x better

But the opiates change the way your brain deals with the pain. Its like they make you forget about it.

They make you feel invincible. And theyre fun as fuck. Who doesnt want to feel unstoppable?

They change the way your brain deals with emotional pain as well. They do feel great. I got into hydrocodone several years ago when you could order from Florida pill mills on the internet. I was taking 10-15 10mg pills a day. As some others have said, the withdrawal is hellish.
Not all pain, no.

I get your point though. Opioids are horrible. When my nephew was burned he was at 4 times adult dosis morphine to even get an effect. Had to be detoxed, at 6 years old. Horrible shit.
I get your point though. Opioids are horrible. When my nephew was burned he was at 4 times adult dosis morphine to even get an effect. Had to be detoxed, at 6 years old. Horrible shit.
Yea that is horrifying. I feel the same way about all this ADD medication we are passing out as well. We are hooking kids to drugs they will have to take for the rest of their lives to... deal with being a human? That is not going to end well...
For the people saying "some people really do need opiates for pain" - have you ever taken an opiate? Opiates don't do anything for the physical, actual pain. 800mg of ibuprofen manage pain 10x better

But the opiates change the way your brain deals with the pain. Its like they make you forget about it.

They make you feel invincible. And theyre fun as fuck. Who doesnt want to feel unstoppable?
I never found them fun or felt like they made me invincible. I guess some people do but it's the opposite for me. If you're not an addict or don't have to drive it's nice to just knock the pain the fuck out when it's bad enough that Ibuprofen barely takes the edge off.
Yea that is horrifying. I feel the same way about all this ADD medication we are passing out as well. We are hooking kids to drugs they will have to take for the rest of their lives to... deal with being a human? That is not going to end well...

Definently with you on the ADD drugs. When I was a kid some boys were just rambunctious and needed a little ekstra activation. Today you pretty much have to be a sloth or it´s ADD, ADHD, OCD or whatever they can use as an excuse to pump kids full of drugs.
Yea that is horrifying. I feel the same way about all this ADD medication we are passing out as well. We are hooking kids to drugs they will have to take for the rest of their lives to... deal with being a human? That is not going to end well...

Indeed we are. Have you ever taken Adderall? That's some hardcore fucking speed. It's crazy that kids are being pumped full of it.
I get your point though. Opioids are horrible. When my nephew was burned he was at 4 times adult dosis morphine to even get an effect. Had to be detoxed, at 6 years old. Horrible shit.
Holy shit, that would be heartbreaking. Did he come out of it alright?
Indeed we are. Have you ever taken Adderall? That's some hardcore fucking speed. It's crazy that kids are being pumped full of it.
Yep, I have. I know my way around a drug or two, we'll say.. And it should be criminal to be putting kids on pharmacy grade meth, IMO.
So? Everyone flips their shit when a solution is suggested. Better border security? Nope. Harder penalties for drug dealers? Nope. "Lets just legalize em all ,man"

This country enjoys setting itself up for failure, unfortunately.
Holy shit, that would be heartbreaking. Did he come out of it alright?

Yeah he did, he is a fighter like no other. Fortunately the burns were not in his face. (chest, stomach, back, 1 arm and 1 leg). Today he is 18 and doing great. He needed a few surgeries during the years because the transplanted skin doesn´t grow, so he needs surgery under the arms and places like that while growing.

You also don´t sweat through transplanted skin so we have to watch him when he does sports because all the heat has to leave through his head so he overheats very easily.
So? Everyone flips their shit when a solution is suggested. Better border security? Nope. Harder penalties for drug dealers? Nope. "Lets just legalize em all ,man"

This country enjoys setting itself up for failure, unfortunately.

Yeah because the current solution is so fucking wonderfull and Portugal never happened.. If anything US sentencing and prison system proves that harsher penalties do jack shit do deter crime.
Too bad doctors and pharmaceutical companies aren't viewed the same as nappy headed 15 year old black kids otherwise there might be some real effort to lock people up for this insane atrocity
that's a load of crap. I've broken bones been in hospitals been perscribed pills. I only took a few when i first got home and just dealt with the pain most the time because i don't want to look like those people. Just because you think you can dabble and won't have any repercussion doesn't mean people should understand and feel for you. In the end you got yourself hooked
Other than demonstrating a failure to comprehend how addictive these things are your post is just an anecdote. Many people just don't realize how easily they can get hooked.
You start with a simple pill

When you've lost your job and or the pills become too expensive, you smoke some heroin

When smoking no longer does the trick....

You do what you gotta do from there.

Can't these people have a beer or smoke a cigarette to relieve stress instead of a pill.

My buddy went to heroine because the Dr said pills were doing more damage, cleaner to shoot dope clean I guess
Marfan syndrome? How does MJ help marfan syndrome?

Rather than throwing out insults, your'e more likely to win people to your side by providing arguements and engaging in discussion.

Im open to hear what you have to say. My fear is that public opinion jumps to extremes.
We used to think opioids were good, now they're bad. Now MJ is good.
Too black and white. It is likely to lead to problems

Your approach is top notch but you'll get a hard time for your disposition on Marijuana here.
-specifically if it's on medicinal marijuana, and not the legalization of it.

In terms of legalization, I do think you have valid concerns on the negative effects of legalized marijuana use and possession;
-I can only see kids going into their parents' stash and either smoking a bit or eating an edible.
-increased obesity in society
-lowering of productivity

Opioids are definitely more lethal but Marijuana might be the only drug classified as a hallucinogen, depressant, and narcotic on some level; which makes it tough to properly regulate.
I know guys who smoke before work and before bed for 20 years .

They cannot stop, they could not function without it.
It completely regulates their sleep, appetite, energy. Attitude .

So what? I have a hard time functioning without cofee in the morning. I am sure I waste at least 30 minutes a morning getting it. Should we ban coffee to?

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