93 year old William Shatner tells a trekkie to back off

I have never seen a 93 year old - 92 in this video - look and sound as sharp as he does. As someone who has worked in rehab with a lot of elderly people, I wouldn't have guessed him a day over 80. Maybe a healthy 75 year old. Talk about amazing.

Damn, he looks freaking INCREDIBLE for 93. Honest to God, probably the most youthful 93 I have ever seen. Wow!

And a full head of hair with no apparent signs of transplant. Just wow!

Hairline intact at 93 years old...

Nope. He famously went bald in the 1950s. Has worn a toupee of one sort or another his entire professional career.

The one he wore when starting Star Trek was so bad, the make-up department made him new one(s).

He kept stealing the toupees from Star Trek and taking them home to use when he went out because they blended in so well with his own hair.

See: William Shatner Kept Stealing Toupees From the 'Star Trek' Set

See: More from Bob Justman on the missing Shatner toupees...

From the above site: Weave is visible in this photo.


Zoomed in, you can see the weave of his hairpiece even better.

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He just wanted a piece of the action.

But the Captain was on the Bridge.
Says alot that the vast majority of people in their 80s look like the walking dead, including our own President.

Shater looks over 13 years younger than Joe Biden, when Joe Biden actually is 13 years younger than Shatner.

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