A boy named Sharon

Thursday 2 April 09

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

* Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
* Walk 400 yards (or three minutes)

Tried this from the "couch to 5k" running workout in Conditioning forum. I really didn't get out of breath to bad but damn the outsides of my lower legs were killing me. I think I need some new shoes or something. Took me like 10 minutes to get to where I could walk comfortably.

Tabata Rows
4 Min Slow
4 Min Tabata Circuit (20sec sprint 10sec slow)
5 Min Slow until I got to 2500m

After I got done I made some low sodium Beef Flavored Ramen Noodles with canned chicken, garlic powder, rice vinegar, texas pete, and curry powder. Honestly I dont know too much about nutrition but this shit is about 75 cents a bowl to make. It has like 500 calories with 30 grams of protein, and it tastes scrumptulescent.

Another day of what I like to call disorganized wtf cardio. Should probably spend more time in the cardio forum
Friday 3 April 09

1x4x335 New PR
I did five reps of 335 but I don't think I got enough depth on the last one so I didn't count it. It's still a PR.


One Armed DB Snatches
EA Arm

OH Pullups
1x3 +20
1x1 +40
1x1 +50
I was just kind of dicking around with these. No real rhyme or reason to why I did it this way.

I ended the day with some curls and pushdowns just for the hell of it. It made me feel embarrassed for some reason, and I cried on the way home.

Good day overall.
Monday 6 April 09

1x5x305 New PR
I felt really good today, 265 was very light so I figured I would go ahead and bump the weight 5 pounds from last week and see what happens. 305 felt pretty light at first but I barely got my fifth.

Power Cleans
My hips have been killing me since Friday so these were pretty rough. I barely got each set.

OH Pullups

Squats were a complete bust. I attempted but my hips feel fucked up. I had zero flexibility and was in pain just doing the bar. So I just didn't do squats today. Kind of feel bad about it since I was making good gains. Hopefully I'll be alright for deadlifts Wednesday and heavy squats Friday.

Great job on the PRs lately! You're one strong dude.
Seems like your workouts have a lot of volume + intensity. Great lifting, especially the cleans.
Great job on the PRs lately! You're one strong dude.

Pretty much since I stopped drinking all my lifts jumped. I appreciate the compliment I would feel a lot better if my squat was over 400 though.
Seems like your workouts have a lot of volume + intensity. Great lifting, especially the cleans.

You know cleans are probably my favorite movement, but I'm really not flexible or strong enough (front squat) to do a full clean. So end up having to pull the weight really high. I guess if I was worth a damn at front squats I would be able to do a lot more.

What's your job at Mcguire Snitz, if you don't mind me asking?
Flexibility or not, most guys in the gym can't manhandle >225 enough to get it from the floor the rack position.

I'm an air traffic controller here @ McGuire. You military?
I'm a Crew Chief on Andrews. I thought about doing ATC but I heard it was pretty damn stressful so I dumbed it down to maintenance.
Hey man,

No hard feelings about yesterday? You wanted some flaming in that thread, and I was feeling rowdy.

Some pretty nice lifting going on here. Our strength levels are pretty close. If you'd be interested, I'll race you to a 1300 total.
Hey man,

No hard feelings about yesterday? You wanted some flaming in that thread, and I was feeling rowdy.

Some pretty nice lifting going on here. Our strength levels are pretty close. If you'd be interested, I'll race you to a 1300 total.

Yeah I saw your lifts, big whoop want to fight about it?

What's your total right now? I think I'm right at 1200.
My squat is a disaster right now. I was on my fifth set of 5 at 320 when I hurt my SI joint some time last year. I haven't squatted heavy in quite some time. I would think I'd probably only be good for around 300 right now, maybe a little more, but I'm sure I'll get my strength back pretty quickly.

Fairly recently, I failed a 495 (or maybe it was 500) deadlift at the knees, but my best was 473. I'm going for a PR on Thurs or Fri.

My best bench was 315, but I think I'm good for 320 to 330 now.

So, I think you've got me beat in all three lifts, but once I can start squatting heavy again, I should see some good gains.
My squat is a disaster right now. I was on my fifth set of 5 at 320 when I hurt my SI joint some time last year. I haven't squatted heavy in quite some time. I would think I'd probably only be good for around 300 right now, maybe a little more, but I'm sure I'll get my strength back pretty quickly.

Fairly recently, I failed a 495 (or maybe it was 500) deadlift at the knees, but my best was 473. I'm going for a PR on Thurs or Fri.

My best bench was 315, but I think I'm good for 320 to 330 now.

So, I think you've got me beat in all three lifts, but once I can start squatting heavy again, I should see some good gains.

I barely got you on bench, you got me by probably 30 deads (I'm sure you can pull 485), and it looks like squats is the wild card. I set a pr last week with 335x4 but today just trying 135 was painful. So whoever can get there shit together on squats would win. But I'm down, I would just have to get some jackass at the gym to record my lifts.
I'll take your word for it on the lifts. I don't think anyone keeping a log here will bullshit about their lifts, and it's not like the stakes are high.

I'll have videos of my lifts though, just because I almost always record my lifts.
Not much point in lying about anything less than a 1500 total with some of the freaks in here.

I need to start recording mine anyways, especially my squat. I think I got some form issues going on. It seems like the less weight I use the worse it gets.
That's strange that your form would be better with more weight. You'll definitely have to get a video so you can figure out what you're doing wrong.

Before I hurt myself, I finally got my squat form to what I thought was acceptable, but it took me a long time. Apparently, I still had a very minor tail tuck.

So now I need to get rid of the tail-tuck, which I've almost done, and then work on tweaking my form.
I got the tail tuck going on for sure. It just seems like the heavier I go the more comfortable I feel at the bottom. When I use light weight I can't get my heel to stay on the floor. But when I go really heavy I start to goodmorning it up. So I got a few issues. I'm gonna try and get a video out sometime this month. Maybe get the wife to record it.
Do you have Oly shoes? They'd probably help you keep your weight on your heels more and should help a little with the tail tuck too.
I wear a pair of Chucks. It might be time to invest some Oly shoes though. When I first started squating I had to put a 2.5 under my heels. You have any recommendations for Olympic Shoes?
I have a pair of VS Athletics and I'm very happy with them. They fit perfectly and are very comfortable. They're also about the cheapest Oly shoe you'll find. Lots of people here use them.

Another very popular choice is the Rogue Do-Wins. They're a little more expensive, but I think overall they might be a slightly better shoe.

I don't think you can go wrong with either.

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