A Level Athlete vs Bones

Karate vs Bones well rounded skillset would lose 90% of the time. A few elbows to the face and this 'A Level' athlete is done.

Now if you said a hockey player I would think a little different. Most hockey players can take a beating.


Human cockfighting is nothing for A-Level Athlètes
Spoken like somebody that has never wrestled or been in a real fight with somebody that knows what they’re doing. I’d say a large majority of men vastly overestimate how capable they are in a fight, especially against a trained fighter.

I wrestled starting at 7-8 years old, picking up jiu jitsu and later kickboxing in my teens. I never competed but trained with guys that did. There are levels people simply do not understand. And that’s not even getting into the mentality and mental toughness required to compete in this sport, which is not possessed by everybody. If this guy truly believes this, why isn’t he doing it?
Let's be real, taking him on after a year of training? That's like trying to outshoot Stephen Curry after a year of basketball practice. Bones is on another level!
Are basketballers even athletes lol? They just have long ass legs and good cardio

There's a breakdown somewhere on the internet that discusses the percentage of men in USA over 7 feet tall and what percentage of those people are NBA players

essentially if you are over 7 feet tall there's a 17% chance that you'll be in the NBA

a lot of people dispute it but it definitely demonstrates that simply being tall (and not handicapped) gives you very high chance of making it in basketball
Jones ends his fighting career and basketball career lol..

Jones taking a limb home for sure with one or those "wrestling moves"..

Also these fights shouldn't take place...
Is Jones on teh juice? If so he makes it to round 3 at least before being KTFO
Its 2023 and people still thinks karate works in real combat (only karate)
Bro after like 6’5 if u haven’t been training since as a kid you are just gona be awkward in there. Remember Struve fights? Some of the most hilarious kos.
Basketball brawls are the funniest to watch...Just swinging for the fences and missing 80 percent of the time. In the 80s and early 90s those guys could scrap but were a different breed then the new guys.
Exactly, he'd be lucky to be at mighty mouse.
Seriously though, these guys have no fucking idea. I was a good wrestler in our Parish and in our Division. When we'd go to some of the bigger tournaments and I had to wrestle out of our division, I usually got myself a quick wake up call, they're levels.
Are basketballers even athletes lol? They just have long ass legs and good cardio
They are athletes for sure! It’s a perfect game for lanky individuals that are scared of physical contact.

You would definitely know that the game of basketball was invented by a Canadian James Naismith. He was a physical education teacher.

What’s less known was his motivation for creating the game. He was very saddened by the weak scrawny lanky athletes who injure quite easily as their joints and tendons are overgrown. Making them very injury prone and scared/worried about competing in sports like hockey or boxing that are rough and tough. So to make the tall scrawny athletes that wouldn’t be able make it in tough manly sports happy, he invented a sport that had minimal physical contact called Basketball.
considering the stock that Jones is from, I’d say that he’s probably an A level athlete at whatever type of athletic endeavor he put his time into…

Just look at his brothers, Jon chose wrestling and onto MMA.

in b4 basketball fail gif
I agree. There’s something to be said for their genetics. Two brothers are Super Bowl champs and the third is the most decorated MMA champion of all time. I get there’s even higher levels of athlete out there but hard to think of many examples of better athletic genetics amongst siblings.