A question for GSP haters : Where do you rank him in your personal GOAT list ?

Big time hater here, but he's top 5. JBJ, Silva, DJ, George, Aldo.
1. Jon Jones (Cheater)

2. Anderson (Cheater)

3. Fedor

4. GSP
Anyone who starts off with "I'm a fan of GSP" is usually not a fan, but a hater.

Even if Silva was clean, how exactly does his achievements surpass GSP's? He almost has double digit losses, fought weaker competition than GSP and doesn't hold 2 titles. Not to mention he's tested positive.
Top 4


GOAT WW . The rest is preference.
GSP faced the best competition. Anderson delivered mind blowing performances. Jones is a mix of the two. Fedor is just... Fedor.

Pick any of the four and you aren’t wrong
Please be specific and tell the reason why you rank him that low . Thanks .

Well, considering most GSP haters think they can personally beat GSP, I doubt any have him even in their top 1000.

GSP critics on the other hand typically have him in at least their top ten, and often in their top four. I'm in that camp. Him, Fedor, Anderson and Jones are my top four, and you can make arguments for all of them, though my preference is for Fedor.
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Top 5, 4th specifically.

I never liked him, but his unquestionably one of the best.
It depends if you take in consideration testing positive for banned substances or not.
Anderson Silva and Jon Jones both tested positive on two seperate occasions.
I just can't ignore this fact when it comes to talking about P4P rankings, so Jones and Silva are eliminated from the discussion.
It basically leaves us with GSP and Fedor. Some believe it's Fedor, others GSP.
I vote GSP because:
- Joined the UFC with a 5-0 record in 2004
- In 14 years, went 20-2 in the UFC and avenged both loses
-Record of most wins in UFC title fights (13)
-Tied for most UFC wins (20)
-Two division champ

Natty GOAT list:
1)GSP 2) Fedor 3) Demetrious 4) Cormier 5) Aldo

Roid GOAT list:
1) GSP 2) Jones 3) Fedor 4) Silva 5) Demetrious
Sorry, I tend to trust USADA and not some random sherbros

doesn't change the fact that what jon agreed to. and if he doesn't life up to it he still get suspended those 30 months.
doesn't change the fact that what jon agreed to. and if he doesn't life up to it he still get suspended those 30 months.
Who cares? We are talking about fighter accomplishments - Jones achieved his results without ammounts of roids that can affect his performance - stated by USADA. It makes him the GOAT. Things like what kind of person he is, if he tried to cheat or if he snitched - have zero matter in this subject.
Unarguably number 1 on the list:

Here are some factors that make someone ''the GOAT''
-Long streak of title def (MM, GSP, Jones, Silva, Aldo)
-Long unbeaten streak (MM, GSP , Jones, Silva, DC, Fedor, Aldo)
-Not pissing hot (MM, GSP, DC, Aldo, Fedor)
-Multiple weight champion (GSP, DC)
-Very few(or avenged)/no losses (DC, GSP, Jones)
-Highly competitive opponents (GSP, Jones)

GSP is literally the only one that checks every box, he is the GOAT. It amazes me that people still consider guys like Dan Henderson (15 losses) or Silva (8 losses) ''GOATs''. You can't be on the list if you got beat by multiple people and/or didn't avenge those losses (Aldo, Silva, Fedor, MM) and you can't be GOAT if you pissed hot (Jones, Silva).

DC and GSP are the only logical choices, but DC hasn't faced competition like GSP has and hasn't had a long streak of defenses at LHW.

You can't only factor the positives of someone's career, you have to factor in the negatives (losses, PEDs, etc.). If someone is 100-30 it's not impressive, because they lost 30 times, no one cares they won 100 times. Same logic applies here.
Anyone who starts off with "I'm a fan of GSP" is usually not a fan, but a hater.

Even if Silva was clean, how exactly does his achievements surpass GSP's? He almost has double digit losses, fought weaker competition than GSP and doesn't hold 2 titles. Not to
Anyone who starts off with "I'm a fan of GSP" is usually not a fan, but a hater.

Even if Silva was clean, how exactly does his achievements surpass GSP's? He almost has double digit losses, fought weaker competition than GSP and doesn't hold 2 titles. Not to mention he's tested positive.

His test don't mean jack shit to me. We're talking about achievements and actual fighting skill.

Anderson went on a better streak and he not only fought better opponents but he finished them and at a higher weightclass while chasing GSP.

You saying I'm not a fan is just your lame ass opinion. I actually like GSP and just because I don't ride his dick like you doesn't mean that I don't appreciate him and are a fan of his.

He's a great technician and a world class champion especially in his demeanor.
I would put him number 1 or 2. Jones is the best fighter I ever seen in MMA, he is so creative, but because of all the drug issues and problems it clouds a lot of stuff. but still think he is so super talented and skilled. GSP and Jones toss up
#6 behind Anderson, Fedor, Aldo, Jones, and DC.
Can’t stand Gsp .... I rank him number 2 behind Jon Jones
Who cares? We are talking about fighter accomplishments - Jones achieved his results without ammounts of roids that can affect his performance - stated by USADA. It makes him the GOAT. Things like what kind of person he is, if he tried to cheat or if he snitched - have zero matter in this subject.

yes it does cause if you think before before ufc 200 was the first time he used peds than you just another blind jon jones follower.
He's number 3


That's the order boys

Change my mind
I feel that order.

Body of work I have the same but swap GSP and Fedor. As far as high level domination Jones, Fedor, GSP. When it comes to who's gone the longest looking like they'd never be beaten... Jones, Anderson, GSP, Fedor. It's all about how you view the term GOAT.