Elections Academic "Science" has been contaminated for a long time now in the US

thread starts with reasonable and welcome concerns about the trust in the current working of the scientific process, and collapses into some flat earth bullshit.

man, the war room should be deleted. nothing worth a fuck is here.
I love how you continue to use this statement as if it's a point in your favor, when in reality it not only doesn't make sense, but it's totally irrelevant.

If a blind person were studying nature, what would they be able to teach you about how the world looks? If a deaf person were studying nature, how would they be able to teach you about how the world sounds? There exists more to reality than what you can sense with your eyes and ears. You are denying this basic fact. We know human hearing is limited in the frequencies it can detect because we can detect extreme frequencies with tools. We know certain other animals can detect them as well, because we observe their reactions to them (or in some cases, they utilize them for communication or navigation). We know human sight is limited in the frequencies it can detect, because we can detect other parts of the light spectrum with tools. We know radio waves exist even though we can't see or hear or smell them. We know magnetism exists—not because we "sense" magnetic fields, but because we observe the effects they have. We discovered that microorganisms exist well before we had the means to image them. But that's just "trust me bro" science, right? So you must still believe in miasmas because you can't actually see bacteria and viruses, right?

Its not that something can't be real if it can't be directly observed with our senses. Its that with the globe earth we literally can't observe or experience any aspect of it. And the only way to demonstrate the various aspects of a globe earth you must imploy fallacious reasoning and 2nd hand theories that also can't be observed or experienced.

Were moving in 3 separate directions at astronomical speeds but can't feel any of it. We can't ever see a curve. Were supposed to be sideways and upside down in various parts of the world but no one can tell. All the luminaries are millions of miles away but appear local. The Sun is 400x bigger than the Moon but appear to roughly the same size because the Sun just happens to be 400x further away. And on and on I could go.

And in order to demonstrate how these things could be happening despite our exact opposite observations and experience you have to create an endless amount of other unobservable theories and ideas. Things like gravity. Black holes. Dark matter. Contraction. Refraction. Bending of space and time. Magnetic Declination. Ect.

So yes, just because we can't directly observe or experience something doesn't mean its not true. But when you must employ fallacious reasoning and an ever expanding amout of unobservable and unverifiable supporting theories in order to demonstrate your claim it at the very least ceases to be scientific. And in the case of the globe it because downright silly.

You seem to put so much faith in human senses, and yet you completely ignore humanity's greatest gift, which is its intelligence. You do this for...no particular reason. I find it amusing, because a lot of people who think like you also happen to be religious. Their religion often tells them that human beings are different than animals. Above them. And yet you deny them that. You would clip the proverbial wings of humanity, because intelligence and what it brings us frightens and confuses you. You would choose instead to view people as a set of eyes and ears, a nose and a mouth. A creature of primordial instinct and nothing else.

Human intelligence, or rather human reasoning, is a great and powerful tool. However its also a double edge sword. Humans can use reason to convince themselves of the most absurd ideas. Man can use his own reason to convince himself hes a women for example. He can convince himself that slavery is good as another example. He can also use reason to convince himself that the world randomly created its and that he's flying through space at 800,000mph.

You also reject your own "direct senses and observations", because if you've ever watched the Sun rise and set, or the Earth's shadow fall on the moon, you'd see that the Earth not only is obviously not flat, but couldn't possibly be flat. Because if it were flat, the entirety of the planet would experience daylight and nighttime all at once. We know this because this is how sunlight works—it's omnidirectional, like a lightbulb. If it were unidirectional like a flashlight, as claimed by flat-earthers, how could you ever observe an illuminated moon at night? How could the Earth ever cast a shadow on the moon unless the Sun were behind the Earth? How could portions of the Earth be in perpetual daylight or nighttime during the solstices with the proposed flat-Earth solar path?

Huh? Have you ever heard of the Inverse Square Law? The whole qorld would not be lit up at once. The Artic circle would experience 24 hrs of sunlight during the summer solstice due to the sun making a small circle around the north pole. And the believe is that moon is not a rock floating through space reflecting sunlight but rather it is its own independent light source going through its own phases.

There are answers to most questions you could throw out there. Perhaps there are questions the flat earth model couldn't answer but that's true for the globe model as well.

But do you know why I have no respect for you? Because you're a fraud. You don't actually believe the things you espouse to be true. You believe in some science and technology; just not all of it. You draw a line in the sand, except its an arbitrary line that moves whenever you find it convenient. The screen you're looking at right now is made up of technology you can't see, and (I hazard to guess) don't even remotely comprehend. But I don't see you posting on here saying transistors and logic gates don't exist. You don't see the radio waves that are transmitting the bullshit you spew onto the Internet, but you don't come on here saying how radio waves and transmitters and receivers don't exist.

As I explained earlier there is a difference between science that can be demonstrated, observed, experienced, applied, or employed vs theoretical trust me bro science no one can ever verify. Stop trying to lump every piece of human understand, technology, and ingenuity along with religious, cooky theories into one big bucket called science that must all be accepted or rejected in totality. That's silly. "If you believe in computers you must also believe dark matter. Durp"

In actual fact, your entire belief system is based off one thing—your individual ignorance. Anything you understand, you believe is real. Anything you don't understand, you believe is fake. Anything you don't understand but rely on, you make an exception for. That's not special, and it's not really even a belief system—it's just basic arrogance. And it's an unfortunate case of arrogance, because you've paired it with a tremendous level of stupidity.

The pathetic part is that you talk about "trust me bro" science, but when pressed about the specifics of flat-earth stupidity, you make an appeal to authority (actually there's an ice wall around the Earth, I've just never seen it, et cetera...). Or you straight up refuse to answer the questions (What part of Antarctica is in perpetual daylight during the summer solstice again?). You don't "trust" the entirety of humanity's collective scientific community...instead you just trust some retard on YouTube who can't prove his observations.

It's absolutely no different from any other conspiracy theory. It appeals to you because you feel inadequate. You don't understand science, and your ego can't handle it. So instead of admitting you're not as well-equipped intellectually, you simply disbelieve in science. Problem solved, and your ego stays intact. Believing in flat-earth, just like believing the anti-vax and anti-climate change bullshit, gives you the chance to stick it to all those actual smart people.

100% projection.
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Its not that something can't be real if it can't be directly observed with our senses. Its that with the globe earth we literally can't observe or experience any aspect of it. And the only way to demonstrate the various aspects of a globe earth you must imploy fallacious reasoning and 2nd hand theories that also can't be observed or experienced.

Were moving in 3 separate directions at astronomical speeds but can't feel any of it. We can't ever see a curve. Were supposed to be sideways and upside down in various parts of the world but no one can tell. All the luminaries are millions of miles away but appear local. The Sun is 400x bigger than the Moon but appear to roughly the same size because the Sun just happens to be 400x further away. And on and on I could go.

And in order to demonstrate how these things could be happening despite our exact opposite observations and experience you have to create an endless amount of other unobservable theories and ideas. Things like gravity. Black holes. Dark matter. Contraction. Refraction. Bending of space and time. Magnetic Declination. Ect.

So yes, just because we can't directly observe or experience something doesn't mean its not true. But when you must employ fallacious reasoning and an ever expanding amout of unobservable and unverifiable supporting theories in order to demonstrate your claim it at the very least ceases to be scientific. And in the case of the globe it because downright silly.

Human intelligence, or rather human reasoning, is a great and powerful tool. However its also a double edge sword. Humans can use reason to convince themselves of the most absurd ideas. Man can use his own reason to convince himself hes a women for example. He can convince himself that slavery is good as another example. He can also use reason to convince himself that the world randomly created its and that he's flying through space at 800,000mph.

Huh? Have you ever heard of the Inverse Square Law? The whole qorld would not be lit up at once. The Artic circle would experience 24 hrs of sunlight during the summer solstice due to the sun making a small circle around the north pole. And the believe is that moon is not a rock floating through space reflecting sunlight but rather it is its own independent light source going through its own phases.

There are answers to most questions you could throw out there. Perhaps there are questions the flat earth model couldn't answer but that's true for the globe model as well.

As I explained earlier there is a difference between science that can be demonstrated, observed, experienced, applied, or employed vs theoretical trust me bro science no one can ever verify. Stop trying to lump every piece of human understand, technology, and ingenuity along with religious, cooky theories into one big bucket called science that must all be accepted or rejected in totality. That's silly. "If you believe in computers you must also believe dark matter. Durp"

100% projection.

This is what I'm talking about. Having to explain pretty simple shit to narrow minded plebs who say stupid shit like "if the world were flat, we'd never get a night time". And when it's explained to one pleb, another pleb no doubt comes along and needs the same explanation because they make the same dumbass claim. This is a classic example of what I was talking about in my original post that took me into this thread so the 3 amigos could do their best at being called stupid while getting offended at being called stupid, while calling anyone who doesn't agree with them stupid. All the while basing their arguments on defying all observable science, and instead opting for trust me bro (I'm an expert) science.
Why the fuck would people want us to a THINK that the earth is a globe if it isn't? Sick shit.
because they want us to believe
A. God from the Bible is real and adhered to fundamentalist principles
B. all the science that contradicts literal interpretations of the Bible are false and have evil or alterior motives behind them
@CyberRubberDuck taking some sherscientists for a ride.. fucking hilarious..

“nu-uh, I’m smarter”.

you’ll never get these hours back, Sherbro’s..

Edit: L fuckin’ OL…

And a mod as well, who would normally have long sent this thread to the great beyond if he wasn't so invested. Must be a junior mod :)
thread starts with reasonable and welcome concerns about the trust in the current working of the scientific process, and collapses into some flat earth bullshit.

man, the war room should be deleted. nothing worth a fuck is here.
Don't you even ice wall bro ?

But yes , this derail went on way too long
Pot and kettle comes to mind.
You didn't bring up the subject of mathematical models to simply highlight how it would work on a globe. You brought it up as some sort or argument as to why it's irrefutable that it's a globe.
And when I asked why it couldn't be done without orbiting satellites and instead using balloon satellites, you came out with some shit about it being impossible to know a balloons location. When I pointed out how obviously simple it would be to know the balloons (receiver) location , you ignored that point you'd claimed and moved onto something else. Because it's fucking obvious that these models for satellite motion wouldn't be the only way of doing it. I think you realised how stupid that claim was after saying it but hoped it would go away.
Then rather than concede "ok well my mathematical model argument isn't really an argument at all, more just a passing comment", you cling on and keep trying to make out it has some relevance in the argument on this thread. You have completely failed to grasp the concept of how your world view can be questioned, and so far it has simply boiled down to exactly what one of one said about you all.
Trust me bro science. You don't actually know this shit to be true, it's literally just a belief in a certain group of people and what they're telling you. Calling themselves experts is how you justify to yourself that it's more than that.

I think this 'twist' was realised pages and pages ago. That mod who likes to derail threads realised it pretty quickly.
When I say pretty quickly, I mean in like my first post.

LOL. The balloons aren't the receiver, they're the transmitter, and your suggestion for how you could know the positions was idiotic. How would that work over the ocean?

I stopped responding to you not because 'I realized how stupid my claim was' but because arguing with you is pointless. Its like that old saying, arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon - all they do is knock over the pieces and shit all over the board then strut around like they won.
LOL. The balloons aren't the receiver, they're the transmitter, and your suggestion for how you could know the positions was idiotic. How would that work over the ocean?

I stopped responding to you not because 'I realized how stupid my claim was' but because arguing with you is pointless. Its like that old saying, arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon - all they do is knock over the pieces and shit all over the board then strut around like they won.

Ok I misunderstood what he was referring to when talking about the location of satellites and whether or not it was possible in a balloon satellite as opposed to an orbital satellite, and what was being called the receiver. After all, it doesn't really create an issue with anything in this case. So I fail to now see what point you were originally making, whereas when I thought you were referring to the satellite itself, your point seemed to make sense. Now it doesn't.
Doesn't change the fact that it poses absolutely no problem as far as whether or not a balloon satellite would work instead of an orbital satellite.
Brings us back to the same point again, if someone believes the world is flat, and GPS would therefore be possible using balloons, saying "no cos satellites orbit the earth and it's a globe so there", still isn't even slightly refuting the belief.
Its not that something can't be real if it can't be directly observed with our senses. Its that with the globe earth we literally can't observe or experience any aspect of it. And the only way to demonstrate the various aspects of a globe earth you must imploy fallacious reasoning and 2nd hand theories that also can't be observed or experienced.

Were moving in 3 separate directions at astronomical speeds but can't feel any of it.

You don't feel motion, you feel acceleration or the pressure from moving against a non moving substrate. Given that the earth isn't accelerating, nor are you exposed to any matter that isn't moving with the earth, of course you wouldn't feel it.

We can't ever see a curve.

You can literally measure it on a long channel of water. Its been done repeatedly, including by flat earthers on a documentary, and gasp, they showed a curved earth. I'm not sure what else you're expecting to see here, the curvature is roughly 8 inches per mile - my eyes are okay, but I don't think I could discern a change of 8 inches over a mile. You're absolutely insane and an idiot if you think you're capable of visualizing that.

Were supposed to be sideways and upside down in various parts of the world but no one can tell.

No, we're not. Sideways and upside down aren't absolute directions. The gravitational force of an object points towards its center of mass, which for the earth is the center, which means that the force you feel which makes you feel upside down or right side up, is always pointed to the ground, regardless of which part of the earth you're on.

All the luminaries are millions of miles away but appear local.

What does this even mean? Appear local? You do realize you can see things that are far away, correct? And being able to see something far away doesn't mean its close to you??

The Sun is 400x bigger than the Moon but appear to roughly the same size because the Sun just happens to be 400x further away. And on and on I could go.

How is this a problem? Do you seriously not understand that objects get smaller the further away from you they are? What the hell are you talking about??
thread starts with reasonable and welcome concerns about the trust in the current working of the scientific process, and collapses into some flat earth bullshit.

man, the war room should be deleted. nothing worth a fuck is here.

You have conspiracy theorists, "don't trust the government/elites with anything" to blame once again.
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And a mod as well, who would normally have long sent this thread to the great beyond if he wasn't so invested. Must be a junior mod :)

I dont Mod threads I post in, because people like to always portray Mods who have power as being biased and partial in our modding. If another Mod sent this thread anywhere I'd still reply, have done it before. But it's always interesting how people cry foul if we do...and still cry foul if we dont.
Its not that something can't be real if it can't be directly observed with our senses. Its that with the globe earth we literally can't observe or experience any aspect of it. And the only way to demonstrate the various aspects of a globe earth you must imploy fallacious reasoning and 2nd hand theories that also can't be observed or experienced.

Were moving in 3 separate directions at astronomical speeds but can't feel any of it. We can't ever see a curve. Were supposed to be sideways and upside down in various parts of the world but no one can tell. All the luminaries are millions of miles away but appear local. The Sun is 400x bigger than the Moon but appear to roughly the same size because the Sun just happens to be 400x further away. And on and on I could go.

And in order to demonstrate how these things could be happening despite our exact opposite observations and experience you have to create an endless amount of other unobservable theories and ideas. Things like gravity. Black holes. Dark matter. Contraction. Refraction. Bending of space and time. Magnetic Declination. Ect.

So yes, just because we can't directly observe or experience something doesn't mean its not true. But when you must employ fallacious reasoning and an ever expanding amout of unobservable and unverifiable supporting theories in order to demonstrate your claim it at the very least ceases to be scientific. And in the case of the globe it because downright silly.

Human intelligence, or rather human reasoning, is a great and powerful tool. However its also a double edge sword. Humans can use reason to convince themselves of the most absurd ideas. Man can use his own reason to convince himself hes a women for example. He can convince himself that slavery is good as another example. He can also use reason to convince himself that the world randomly created its and that he's flying through space at 800,000mph.

Huh? Have you ever heard of the Inverse Square Law? The whole qorld would not be lit up at once. The Artic circle would experience 24 hrs of sunlight during the summer solstice due to the sun making a small circle around the north pole. And the believe is that moon is not a rock floating through space reflecting sunlight but rather it is its own independent light source going through its own phases.

There are answers to most questions you could throw out there. Perhaps there are questions the flat earth model couldn't answer but that's true for the globe model as well.

As I explained earlier there is a difference between science that can be demonstrated, observed, experienced, applied, or employed vs theoretical trust me bro science no one can ever verify. Stop trying to lump every piece of human understand, technology, and ingenuity along with religious, cooky theories into one big bucket called science that must all be accepted or rejected in totality. That's silly. "If you believe in computers you must also believe dark matter. Durp"

100% projection.

I always love the reactionary appeal to common sense from people who believe that literally everything spawned from a single supernatural entity. The biggest line of bullsh*t you keep reiterating is that the World must be easily explainable by what you view outside your window. This is always common among religous zealots, the idea that the answers are simple and you can explain them, that any more complicated contention is insane, retarded, evil. That exact kind of thinking is what charlatanism have preyed upon for centuries. Your entire belief system requires that people subscribe to something they cannot observe or experience, cannot detect or calculate, and yet here you are suggesting that those things should automatically render an idea invalid despite the fact that contentions about space, motion, use of satellites, gravity, all those things can be demonstrated right in front of your face. Gravity:

According to your thought process, God is keeping the water in the cup. This must be a literal miracle because if your flat Earth theory is true that water should have been all over his face. People like you KNOW that's not true, so the next thing is to call this video some kind of hoax. Anything to be dismissive, because the idea that gravity is real and your religious text doesnt account for it is too much to handle.
thread starts with reasonable and welcome concerns about the trust in the current working of the scientific process, and collapses into some flat earth bullshit.

man, the war room should be deleted. nothing worth a fuck is here.

The problem is how those reasonable concerns are expressed. There is nothing wrong with criticizing and scrutinizing science practices, and in fact science (instituons) doesnt get NEARLY as threatened by that process as religion/spirituality does. You can enter a learning institution and dedicate an entire career to trying to disprove gravity if you want. Hell you might get a World prize if you could.

But this sort of sentiment will ALWAYS bring out the "see I told you science is bullsh*t" crowd. The conspiracy theorists thirsty for even a single drop of validation, just itching to go "you know why it's like this right??"
Flat earthers ftw!!!! How many of you are there???
Has nothing to do with the flat earth theory. It’s how hard y’all will go to argue it’s A globe.
The argument was over centuries ago.
@CyberRubberDuck taking some sherscientists for a ride.. fucking hilarious..

“nu-uh, I’m smarter”.

you’ll never get these hours back, Sherbro’s..

Edit: L fuckin’ OL…

Lol@insinuating that CRD lost any less hours or will ever get back going to bat for the Earth being flat
Good video explaining how US academia is failing. Long story short, we can no longer trust what science says because they're just making up shit and having them peer reviewed to be approved and everyone else just accepts it as the truth. Data fraud is rampant.

Rackateers protecting the racket!
I dont Mod threads I post in, because people like to always portray Mods who have power as being biased and partial in our modding. If another Mod sent this thread anywhere I'd still reply, have done it before. But it's always interesting how people cry foul if we do...and still cry foul if we dont.

And i wasn't even naming you. I didn't cry foul. But over the last 10-15 years, every last thread that goes this way, gets wastelanded. It's like company policy.
I'm not bothered either way, I'm kind of bored with this discussion.