Acne from grappling?


Verified Chechen ✓
Jun 11, 2013
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Recently acne flared up, coincidentally around the same time when I started training every day. Does anyone else have problems with acne from grappling or could it be something else?

It really annoys me, especially when I have to go to uni the next day my face will be red from acne, swollen from grappling and on top of that I get bruises in my neck.

Got my first competition coming up in 5 weeks and I'm definitely not stopping just because of acne though, but is there something I could do to prevent it?
Recently acne flared up, coincidentally around the same time when I started training every day. Does anyone else have problems with acne from grappling or could it be something else?

It really annoys me, especially when I have to go to uni the next day my face will be red from acne, swollen from grappling and on top of that I get bruises in my neck.

Got my first competition coming up in 5 weeks and I'm definitely not stopping just because of acne though, but is there something I could do to prevent it?

Wash more often and thoroughly? You could probably use some acne cream such as benzoyl peroxide if necessary.
Wash more often and thoroughly? You could probably use some acne cream such as benzoyl peroxide if necessary.

What do you mean, how often?

I wash before and after training every time, too much washing can be bad though. I'll try to look into benzoyl peroxide, though my skin is pretty dry in the winter and that stuff can make it even drier :p.
I'm kinda weird. My skin isn't so great when I'm not training, just a few pimples here and there. When I'm consistently training and grappling my skin clears up really fast, pretty much completely clear. It just looks better overall too. How old are you? I'm 23, so I guess I'm still dealing with the later stages of it. Nothing really worked for me until I tried the regimen. You should check it out.
Usually when I take time off my skin clears up alot, and when I come back it flares up like a mofo instantly. It's probably just from rubbing your face in the sweaty gi's and stuff. I shower immediately after training and everything. But I am 17 tho.
I get acne on my shoulders, upper back, upper arms, and a bit on my chest. I'm 25. It's from training BJJ and Judo 3+ hours a day, six days a week in a sweaty gi. Accept it or be a pussy and take up golf.
Sweat and heating up from training my man. A doctor can give you weak antibiotics if you're really desperate, otherwise you'll just have to wait until you grow out of it.
I don't know if I get it specifically from grappling but mine definitely doesn't seem to get better or worse. If you feel so inclined I would see a dermatologist to see what they think if you don't mind dropping the $. make sure and explain that you grapple and wonder if that's the cause of it!
Your skin is producing more sebum because it is drying out. Get a moisturizing cream. Shower after training and clean yourself thoroughly, then apply the moisturizer.
Isotretinoin works wonders, but I think it's now prohibited in US ?
Clean your face directly after class before going home. If that does not work go to a Dermatologist.
End your showers with cold water to close your pores. I used to have bad acne but started taking cold showers and not jacking off and my face is pretty clear.
You're right overwashing can be bad. And don't buy into all the bullshit creams and whatnot that are supposed to cure it. All those are meant to do are produce a tingling or mild burning sensation so they feel like they're doing something, but really that's just the feeling of harsh chemical aggravating your skin and making the problem worse so you'll be even more desperate for a product to fix it. My acne first cleared up when I stopped using all that shit. When I started training a couple years later, I obviously couldn't leave parts of my body unwashed after practice, so I went and found the most mild cleanser I could. The acne flared up again, then went away after a few months. I did a lot of research about the various chemical in cleansers at the time to find something that isn't actually terrible for your skin, if you don't feel like doing that, honey, believe it or not, is another excellent option. Natural antiseptic, moisturizing, and all around good for your skin.

Also a dermatologist is likely to just prescribe you an antibiotic to take everyday which will wreak havoc on your digestive system over time. Try cleaning up your diet instead. All those toxins in the processed food most people (in this country at least) eat are terrible for their skin.
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