All Aboard the WAR WAGON!

Thanks Matter. Only took three months to get this thread updated. Oops.

Edit: Sweet. Green belt with this post!
bump. surely some more snp posters are on the war wagon...
I think Zero and Enright are going to be fighting each other. Winner gets a cheeseburger.

War S&P!!!
bump. surely some more snp posters are on the war wagon...

A never-ending stream of injuries has kept me sidelined. Finally starting to heal up, so I hope I can at least start to think about taking a fight again by the end of the year.
Doesn't mschatz have a fight coming up? I thought I read that he just ran a marathon and has a fight a week or two after.
Take your pick: "Eyebrow" or "The Missus." I'm sure the guys at the gym would love the story of how you picked up your nickname here. :)

Oh... yeah... good luck with the fight. Try not to get punched in the head too much, or at least punch the other guy in the head more.

That's strategy gold right there.
...So...I was hanging out in the internetz one day...