Another raping gang in England.


Red Belt
Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
So many gangs like this have been found in England, after Rotherham people said 'never again!'
You can bet your life this is happening in France, Sweden, Germany, etc, etc, its what they do.
When these guys enter prison they will be applauded by the muslim population and treated like heroes. "Hey mohammad, tell us all the stories of you having sex with little white girls.'
The death penalty would be perfect for these guys, how could anyone disagree?

It's just their culture you xenophobic bigoted islamaphobe.
It's just their culture you xenophobic bigoted islamaphobe.
The ringleader is Sikh, but yeah most of the pedo groomers are Muslim. But the common denominator seems to be men from the Pakistan-Kashmir region, rather than just being Muslim. There are Muslims of other ethnicities in the UK, but they don't feature prominently in these rape/pedo/grooming gangs.

A former prosecutor, who is also South Asian, tells the truth.
But former prosecutor Nazir Afzal, who has brought many abusers to trial, says Pakistani men are disproportionately involved in the sort of street grooming seen in recent high-profile cases.
‘Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, Banbury, Telford, Peterborough, Aylesbury, Bristol, Halifax, Keighley, Newcastle... now Huddersfield

Holy shit! What is going on in England? Why do they not put a stop to this? What about the fathers, brothers, etc? Where are the men of England?
I say hang them all for how rapey the guy in the lowest right corner looks. I think it's a general human 101 rule that if you're friends with a guy who looks like that, humanity has no use for you.
look at them, they're the English now.

Edit: look at these cunts and ask yourself why the fuck aren't we (the English) more angry about this? How many more of these fucking crimes can happen before we decide "you know what, let's stop accepting these fucks from a certain region and deport as many humanely possible and reclaim the various 'little Karachi's' and 'little Islamabad's' that have been set up in this country.

How many more little girls need to have their lives ruined before we decide enough is enough?
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‘Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, Banbury, Telford, Peterborough, Aylesbury, Bristol, Halifax, Keighley, Newcastle... now Huddersfield

Holy shit! What is going on in England? Why do they not put a stop to this? What about the fathers, brothers, etc? Where are the men of England?
They get arrested when they show up. Or smeared as racist biggots and shut down if they wont keep quiet (see Tommy Robinson). And that's the truth.
Those are some fugly ass blokes.
Unfortunately the British government and the rest of the establishment are terrified of being called racist, so they turn a blind eye to the abuse if it involves ethic minority men abusing young, vulnerable white girls and only investigate if it becomes public knowledge and they can't get away with ignoring it.

The BBC are some of the worst culprits. They have the story on their website but have made sure to call them a grooming gang and try very hard not mention that it is Pakistani men abusing young white girls.

One of the men called the care home where one of the girls was staying and literally told the person at the care home to send the girl to him because he wanted to F**K her and if they didn't there would be trouble.

That is the level of contempt they have for the authorities in Britain, they know they can get away with most things and that the police are terrified of upsetting them so they do what they want.
The ringleader is Sikh, but yeah most of the pedo groomers are Muslim. But the common denominator seems to be men from the Pakistan-Kashmir region, rather than just being Muslim. There are Muslims of other ethnicities in the UK, but they don't feature prominently in these rape/pedo/grooming gangs.

A former prosecutor, who is also South Asian, tells the truth.
But former prosecutor Nazir Afzal, who has brought many abusers to trial, says Pakistani men are disproportionately involved in the sort of street grooming seen in recent high-profile cases.

I´m listening.

I have been called naive, muslim hugger, a person that is the reason why my country is fucked etc etc.

I have also learnt alot of things in here. Take the example of the incest culture in England among people from Pakistan, and the aftermath that cost the health care a lot of money, and the poor children that are a product of this culture, born with defects that is proven to be a cause of this behaviour. This I have learnt from a poster like WhitebeltXL.

I´m not blind, but the lack of careful discussion without resorting to paint all as same is nearly non existing around the posters that are filled with so much hate, their reason will be unreasonable for the minority of sane minds in here. The people doing this thing, serial raping I mean, should in my opinion be legally sterilized by the state. It is a defect I have heard that will not go away, nor will it ever be possible to be repaired. And when you as a foreigner take anything for granted coming and living in a country that are as free as England, you should learn what is right and wrong, you should behave like normal people, and not imagining there is an open season of female prey.

With that said. I´m a bit afraid Pakistan in particular will have even more of a bad reputation than they alreadyt have. Posters like TheGreatA believes that the future belongs to this men, the same men that are raping. He together with many other posters think a nation such as Sweden contains cucks of men without manliness, happy to give away our women. And they have the idea that our women are more attracted with these kind of men, and the same men will outfuck us.

I have no idea where he learnt those things. My female circle of friends don´t find them attractive and would never marry a muslim man that have a third world mentality with the women looked upon as similar to a dog. I also showed this picture of the rape gang to my wife. I already know she don´t find the indian/pakistani men physical attractive(i´m not using her crude description) and I´m not going to tell her immediate reaction to the photo. But I can tell it was not so good. She is from Thailand and the vast majority of females I know of are Swedish. How can our views differ this much regarding our women and their taste in men? Where did you get this idea from?

I hope these foreigners will rot in hell, as with all men raping. You know the same kind of men that torture animals, because they can. Men who lack remorse and charitable qualities. I would call them psychos, no matter if your religion is Islam or something else.
How expensive are ropes in the UK? Since there is no death penalty it should be life in prison for these monsters.
Different culture, hard to judge these "Asians"
look at them, they're the English now.

Edit: look at these cunts and ask yourself why the fuck aren't we (the English) more angry about this? How many more of these fucking crimes can happen before we decide "you know what, let's stop accepting these fucks from a certain region and deport as many humanely possible and reclaim the various 'little Karachi's' and 'little Islamabad's' that have been set up in this country.

How many more little girls need to have their lives ruined before we decide enough is enough?
The Brits should be livid. You should especially livid at the police for covering up and in essence protecting these shitstains. You should be livid at the politicians and media for not raising hell.
The whole situation is astounding in the blase attitude of the media, government, authorities and society. With society it may just be that people rather not think about it, because they don't want to get mad or they are apathetic or scared of being called Islamophobic and protests being called hate marchers. What ever the reason there needs to be a sea change in attitudes.
I´m listening.

I have been called naive, muslim hugger, a person that is the reason why my country is fucked etc etc.

I have also learnt alot of things in here. Take the example of the incest culture in England among people from Pakistan, and the aftermath that cost the health care a lot of money, and the poor children that are a product of this culture, born with defects that is proven to be a cause of this behaviour. This I have learnt from a poster like WhitebeltXL.

I´m not blind, but the lack of careful discussion without resorting to paint all as same is nearly non existing around the posters that are filled with so much hate, their reason will be unreasonable for the minority of sane minds in here. The people doing this thing, serial raping I mean, should in my opinion be legally sterilized by the state. It is a defect I have heard that will not go away, nor will it ever be possible to be repaired. And when you as a foreigner take anything for granted coming and living in a country that are as free as England, you should learn what is right and wrong, you should behave like normal people, and not imagining there is an open season of female prey.

With that said. I´m a bit afraid Pakistan in particular will have even more of a bad reputation than they alreadyt have. Posters like TheGreatA believes that the future belongs to this men, the same men that are raping. He together with many other posters think a nation such as Sweden contains cucks of men without manliness, happy to give away our women. And they have the idea that our women are more attracted with these kind of men, and the same men will outfuck us.

I have no idea where he learnt those things. My female circle of friends don´t find them attractive and would never marry a muslim man that have a third world mentality with the women looked upon as similar to a dog. I also showed this picture of the rape gang to my wife. I already know she don´t find the indian/pakistani men physical attractive(i´m not using her crude description) and I´m not going to tell her immediate reaction to the photo. But I can tell it was not so good. She is from Thailand and the vast majority of females I know of are Swedish. How can our views differ this much regarding our women and their taste in men? Where did you get this idea from?

I hope these foreigners will rot in hell, as with all men raping. You know the same kind of men that torture animals, because they can. Men who lack remorse and charitable qualities. I would call them psychos, no matter if your religion is Islam or something else.

Swedes should not give into these scumbags. You didn't colonize anyone, not that this kind of behavior is acceptable even if your countries had colonized. There is no need for you to be nice to cultures that are generally intolerant and clannish. Taking in refugees is a nice thing, but having people walk all over you because you are nice , is not a nice thing.

I am not surprised your wife doesn't find South Asian men unattractive, Asians (MidEasteners included) generally are very discriminatory of other Asians but find Whites attractive. I hazard a guess that White women would be much more open to associating with non-White men than Asian women would be with associating with non-White men outside of their ethnic group.
What bothers me is if you bitch about Islam, Libs will do their NPC thing and call you racist.

..when obviously Islam is a religion

They didn't get the memo
They get arrested when they show up. Or smeared as racist biggots and shut down if they wont keep quiet (see Tommy Robinson). And that's the truth.
Get arrested when they show up to what? I dont get it. If my mom,sister daughter,niece,etc was abducted and i found out they were being held in one of these rape gangs, im not calling the police or protesting. So i'll ask again where are all the English Men at? Why are they letting this happen to their women, children,etc?