Any Type 1 Diabetics here?


White Belt
Aug 21, 2009
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My brother has asked me to show him how to lift weights... I am currently on starting strength myself (I have both that book and Practical Programing).

He is 18, 6'1'' and about 280lbs. Never lifted before in his life. He is also a type 1 diabetic. I was just wondering if there were anybody here that was one as well that lifts and could let me know if there is anything they had to do differently.
I don't think there's anything different in the actual training they do.
My nephew is type 1 I don't think there is really any changes but I think you have to make sure you have a candy or something sweet nearby? I think it depends on the level of difficulty he has with his diabetes. I am pretty sure most insurances will pay for a nutritionist to advise the diabetic on their nutritional requirements. If he is planning on losing weight and making any radical changes in his diet it may be a good idea. Your sugar level changes sometimes drastically when you push yourself. Having a sweets nearby if he starts feeling dizzy or weak. It happens pretty quickly sometimes in a few minutes.
My Grandfather is Type 1 Diabetic. He is extremely careful about managing is blood sugar, and is still healthy and active at 79. His younger brother, also diabetic, wasn't nearly as careful, died several years ago.

The actual training isn't different. However you want to make sure his diet is in check, and that he's getting enough food to fuel the weightlifting without overeating.

If possible he should see a dietician. Note that "dietician" is a registered health professional, that requires specific skills/education, while anyone can call themselves a "nutritionist".

It'd also be worthwhile to be extra careful in avoiding injuries, as he may take longer to recover from them than normal.
a friend of mine runs a blog: The Journey of the Beard

he is starting to powerlift competitively (w/in the last 6-8 months) and posts his workouts online all the time, with videos and everything. Super cool guy. He is also a type-1 diabetic. so that's something for you to look at, maybe?
@CoreCanyon, do you have contact information for your friend? I'd like to have my brother ask him about proper blood glucose management for weightlifting, as apparently I found out yesterday that my brother has been into the 300's a few times in the last few weeks.