Anyone do kettlebells on their rest days?


Brown Belt
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
I know it sort of defeats the point of rest days, but i have been going pretty smoothly for 6 months of 531 and really miss doing kettlebells. Would swings with a 25kg kettlebell once or twice a week really interfere with the program? I have been running stairs on my rest days (stairs are killer) but would like to mix it up a bit.
Nope. Kettlebells will fuck Up your recovery. Stick to running, rowing, stairs, etc. last thing you want is a toasted posterior chain for your 1+ squat and deadlift days.
Nope. Kettlebells will fuck Up your recovery. Stick to running, rowing, stairs, etc. last thing you want is a toasted posterior chain for your 1+ squat and deadlift days.
Sort of what i figured. I avoided the the heavy presses with it etc but i guess the kettlebell will just have to gather some dust for the next few months :(
Dude, just try it. Add a kettlebell session before your bench or OHP day and see how that feels for a week or two.