Anyone else have no real desire to travel internationally?

There are some places I'd like to see but not enough to justify the expense or headaches.

I alone in this?

Well here's the thing, what do you think of when you think international travel like what kind of scenario? I want to see what we align on.
Depends on level of boredom in home country

If i lived in usa or russia i would probably never leave country since theres so much to see
Nope, feel the opposite. Having the same routine and being in one spot constantly is boring. There's plenty of great cheap options that won't break the bank. Shit going to Disneyland/World with the family or certain sporting events can cost more than some international vacations.
Zero desire to leave the contiguous 48. Iran hostage crisis hit me hard as a youngster.
My most interesting travels have been in challenged, poor countries. Nothing makes you grow more than discovering new places and new cultures.
I'd like to see Japan but I will never go through the process of getting there
My thoughts exactly. I have family there that I've never met and I'm still not willing to go. 20 hour flight? No thanks