Anyone else starting to dislike Weidman?

No way he'll get through the murderers row that is 185. machida, vitor, jacare, not gonna look pretty for him.
No, but I do sense that he could end up be a very hateable champion someday if the success goes to his head.

Vitor will knock him out but if Weidman goes on a long winning streak I have a feeling he'll be right up there alongside Jones as the most hated champions. Talking too much is never a good idea unless you are Sonnen.
just listened to his interview with Ariel.. I like him more.
these "lose respect" type threads are the worst cancer of sherdog.

Who gives a fuck about some guy you don't knows personality you weirdos.

I just lost respect for you.
There is nothing wrong with disliking someone, fighter or otherwise. It is normal.

Be confident in how you feel but be open to changing your mind if there is good cause. Disliking someone does not mean that you have to disrespect them for their abilities or achievements. I do not like Anderson Silva or Jon Jones for a variety of reasons however I can respect their skills and accomplishments.

I have wavered on Jon Jones a couple of times as far as his personality goes. I am happy he has stabilized his PR in the last year or so. He was getting caught up in conflicting statements along with the over confidence of his success. I believe he has matured a great deal in the last year or so and hope he continues to adjust.

No matter what a fighter says or does, if they take responsibility for their actions, admit when they did wrong, and show signs of humility when it is appropriate, I can easily like a fighter. I like Michael Bisping for this reason. He has made some egregious errors but has faced the consequences with humility and reason. He talks trash and hypes his fights but he will give props to his opponent when he gets his ass kicked without any of the pre-fight animosity.

I would also suggest you avoid using an internet forum for validation, it rarely yields an intelligent conversation.
I don't dislike Weidman, I dislike his fans. They are some of the most obnoxious Silva haters.

I know several people IRL that didn't like Weidman until they found out he was going to fight Silva (the first time) and instantly jumped on the band wagon because they hate Silva.

Weidman has some amazing talent and he has a great fight IQ and is a sponge for learning new techniques. I think if he went to Jackson's camp he could be champ for a very, very long time.

I've been a Weidman fan since the Maia fight, but I totally get what you're saying about his bandwagon fans. However, I think all Weidman needs to do to remain champion for a long time is stay healthy and maintain current flight path. He's going to be on top for a while.
I like him because he is calling out Vitor for the cheat that he is.
Nothing to dislike about him except if he beat your man crush and you cant get over it.
I was rooting for Silva throughout the fights they had and I let it go because Silva passed the torch at middleweight. With that said, Weidman cannot lose because if he does, then I can't disregard Vitor as some giant joke. If Vitor beats him, it validates everything that is Vitor and I will lose faith in the UFC.

Poor kid, don't lose faith in Santa too.
Have yet to see him say anything legitimately out of line or arrogant. People just want to dislike him because he beat Silva twice and is very confident in himself.
Just curious, is anyone opinion changed about Chris? I used to like the guy, wanted him to beat Silva and glad he did, but he just comes across as a total ass now in interviews etc. The arrogance is annoying as hell. Personally hoping Vitor beats his ass and shuts him up. Reminds me of how JBJ went after winning the title...

That's the sad and pathetic losers mentality of hating someone whose being succesfull,that's it.
He has that whole New York D-Bag thing going on, why I've never cared for him or JBJ as a personality. Both are great fighters though.
Seems like weidmans starting to get the Jon Jones treatment.
I don't dislike Weidman but some of the things he has recently said in his interviews make him sound like a dick. The interview where he is saying Anderson should just try boxing, etc.
Not really, he seems like a down to earth and likeable guy. If I had to nitpick he does seem somewhat boring but I don't really care since he has a good finishing rate and a well rounded skill set. I do wish he had never beaten Silva but that's in the past and Weidman seems about as good a successor to Anderson as there is at MW now.

That said I will be rooting against him should he fight Machida or Jacare.
I'm indifferent towards him, but if Silva had to be dethroned by someone I'm glad it was a guy like Chris.

Could you imagine if Bisping beat Silva? I don't dislike Bisping like a lot of posters do but I could easily see him getting full of himself very quickly if he had taken the title from Silva.
I don't find him arrogant at all. He's just confident. He just smoked Anderson twice and still says Anderson is the GOAT. All his commentary about Vitor's TRT lately is just him answering questions about it. It's not like he's out there crusading.