Anyone have a former employer try to ruin your life?


Blue Belt
Nov 13, 2022
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I think i have had multiple but the last was the worst..

Pretty much slandered me up and down the road as much as they could

Pretty sure someone there leaked my tax info as a got ID fraud forms from the IRS..

Poor working conditions due to the ventilation system being turned off(illegal) bc the manager was a giant wuss.

This resulted in massive waste, and contamination of work equipment with mold. Roaches etc

Any concerns or issue brought up by me were immediately brushed aside.

Can I sue
When I was at my last job before going out on my own, I was maintenance manager of a mill. When going through the hiring process, my previous employer was bitter I quit and badmouthed me almost resulting in me not getting the job. They dug a bit deeper and come to the conclusion that it was an issue with me and that employer’s relationship and still hired me but I had to explain it and figured it killed my chances.

That shit is so childish. I’ve been in management before and I would never, ever sabotage anybody in their future plans. Fucking up someone’s life over a disagreement or because you dislike them is so stupid.

Now that I’m in business for myself and have been for a few years, I take a ton of pride in trying to do guys by my guys as a top priority. My company has grown really fast and I believe a major part of it is because I pay more and treat guys better than other local contractors. As a result, I have a really top quality staff which keeps the customers happy.

Through good staff and attention to customer service, I was able to “steal” a few major service contracts from large mills. My rivals aren’t happy about it but the mills know when they call me, they’ll get an answer and a guy sent immediately even if it’s me, myself. And these guys know when one of my trucks rolls up, there’ll be a skilled guy or crew with a good morale and attitude attending to them.

Fuck all these employers who run things that way. I’ll never apologize to the poorly run hacks who I feel I’ve wronged them.
I left a large professional firm to start my own business.

Senior partners went to my client to badmouth me. Tried to turn it into "you can either work with our firm or you can work with Eddy Motto"

They did not realize that I had done my homework. CEO really had my back. Told the partners that they could either get along with me or he would cancel all their projects.

That was 15 years ago and I still feel indebted to him. It is rare in business to have somebody go to the wall for you.
I used to work for a homeless charity. I knew a co-worker had a prison record but as time progressed learned he had spent more than half his life in a maximum security prison and was only released due its closure. During the time a lot of people kept calling me his name. I thought it was coincidence but got also got treated with a lot of suspicion and mistrust. After I finished that job it occurred to me that word must have gotten around that someone in the staff had a prison sentence and someone may have pointed the finger at me. They aren't allowed disclose it. I have suspected I have been getting bad references since then.

Dunno what he did but when I asked he said ''well I was naughty little boy who went in an out of other people's house, and joy riding'' when I think about it his prison term was at least 20 years and seemingly counting so even at that I still wonder what he did. Let's say his actual sentence was 30 years, break and entering/joy riding wouldn't get you that without some other crime.
ive never had an employer, so no.
Went through a similar situation long ago. Place was a huge pharma company, and it taught me all about how greedy and heartless a giant corporation can be. Hundreds of millions in revenue, and they still rounded our pay rate to 4 decimal places so they could screw us out of 6 cents on a 12 hour shift lol

I quit due to safety issues. In my exit interview, the HR broad only kept reiterating how they really need people now, and i'm putting them in a bad spot due to lack of personnel for their production schedule. Anytime I brought up my concerns, they were met with a bs we're looking into that answer, but we really need people now. Never been happier walking out the door of that dump.

Took me awhile to get a job after that. I suspected she was badmouthing me to potential employers. The way it was explained to me as to why it would be tough to sue for slander is:
1) I was in a state that didn't have specific laws forbidding past employers from giving negative references
2) Unless I could get supervisors from there who would be willing to risk their jobs in order to state she was lying about me, a recorded conversation, or an email with her name on it for proof, she was just gonna say they asked her opinion of me and she gave it.

You could go the OSHA / FDA route provided what they are doing is illegal in the CFR. You won't get anything out of it other than the satisfaction of potentially getting them fined, which is good enough in some cases.
I think i have had multiple but the last was the worst..

Pretty much slandered me up and down the road as much as they could

Pretty sure someone there leaked my tax info as a got ID fraud forms from the IRS..

Poor working conditions due to the ventilation system being turned off(illegal) bc the manager was a giant wuss.

This resulted in massive waste, and contamination of work equipment with mold. Roaches etc

Any concerns or issue brought up by me were immediately brushed aside.

Can I sue
If you've had multiple employers this angry at you then you are definitely the problem here. My guess is that you're a giant pain in the ass.
My last boss is a massive piece of shit and tried to trash my reputation when I left her group. I carried the team for years and we had a good relationship for a long time but because of some bullshit gossip she thought I was I was going on job interviews (which I wasn’t), so I guess she felt betrayed and got pissed at me. Since she assumed I was already going to leave she threw me under the bus for a bunch of her fuck ups and gave me a mediocre score on my annual review.

Because of all that bullshit I said fuck it and found a higher position elsewhere in the company. This set her off, but really it was a self-fulfilling prophecy due to her making the job completely insufferable.

She told the recruiters she didn’t need to backfill my position in an effort to minimize my contributions, but that kind of was insane because I had the largest workload in the group by far. It was hilarious because after a month she realized the team couldn’t handle things and she desperately had to scramble to find a replacement since she wasted all that time futilely trying to prove her asinine point. I kept in touch with a lot of people from the group and it was immensely gratifying to hear from them that shit completely fell apart after I left.

In the years after she’s been repeatedly relegated to lower and lower positions and I’m now higher up on the corporate ladder than her.
You speculated that they "leaked your tax info"? And then went on talking about how the job was shitty...

Sounds like it was a crap job but it doesn't sound like they are ruining your life.