Anyone remember this song by CKY called Chinese Rap?


Mar 13, 2017
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Funny stuff didnt they have this on one of those Tony Hawk or skateboard video games?

I had all the old CKY videos from way back in the day. I even had the CD with this and a bunch of skits they did on it... that one with the "jizz glaze" donut thing is fucking hilarious.

Brandon was funny as hell in some of those old videos and it was crazy how quickly he went bald.
Chinese Freestyle Rap. Yeah, it's hilarious.

Here's the actual video.

I liked this back in the day but it hasn't aged well.
I thought this was funny when I was 14 years old

Not so much anymore lol.
Yeah, that was from their first CKY video, wasn't it? Either that or CKY2K. I remember getting baked as fuck and seeing the first CKY with a bunch of friends at my mom's house. That shit was hilarious.
What do you think about this one? its from a few days ago apparently she is a popular youtuber

This chick has taken the SJW fish mouth to a whole nother level. Can she even shut her mouth all the way? Holllly shit.
I like CKY the band, they had a couple solid albums in my opinion. IDR, AACBF, and Vol. 1 are all pretty solid.
What do you think about this one? its from a few days ago apparently she is a popular youtuber

This is what happens when you don't spank your children, America.
This chick has taken the SJW fish mouth to a whole nother level. Can she even shut her mouth all the way? Holllly shit.

Its the style now to mumble and act brain dead and dance without timing or rhythm
That was not as funny as i remember

The one line i liked. "Like my buffet, you fuckin gay!"
meow meow meow meow ching chong ching chong bitch.....its funny friends used to make shit like this in the studio playing around and now people actually take this seriously.
Asians have it rough. People can just make rap songs poking fun at them.

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