Anyone suffer from Vertigo?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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I've had it since December of last year. Been to a doctor, neurologist, and opthalmologist already. Haven't been to an ENT yet. It's been rough. Last night, when I went to bed, every time I closed my eyes, the room would start spinning and I already sleepier than shit. I haven't slept yet and I gotta go to work. Seems like I get dizzy if I lie on my back straight, but it gets better if I'm on my sides, especially if I'm turned to the right and my head is at a specific position.
My ex did. She would just cry and try to lay down when it happens. My mom got it too I think, although never been really diagnosed.
Strictly speaking vertigo comes from different senses being in conflict with one another: vision, vestibular apparatus (semicircular canals that detect rotation and otolith organs that detect your position in regards to gravity) and body position in space (somesthesia from receptors in your tendons and muscles). All three senses together form equilibrium.

I'm guessing your vestibular apparatus got wrecked by vaccine-induced inflammation, since this started literally after you got it. If you train it's also possible you got it damaged through a hit to the head. Or maybe a Covid infection, if you believe in that sort of thing.

In any case if your vestibular system is damaged it will be emitting signals that are in conflict with your vision and somesthesia. If only one of the three equilibrium senses are damaged, the other two can compensate. In other words, during the day your vision should be able to somewhat quell the dissonance between the senses. At night with your eyes closed, you are left with only one working system (somesthesia) which isn't enough to quell dizziness. If my hypothesis is correct, you can't really do anything about that. Did you get tested for Meniere's disease? The doctor might have tips to make life easier, or drugs.
I got a buddy who's had it for years, kept having attacks on a weekly basis no matter what they tried, changed his diet, cut out salt, went to specialists that did all kinds of experimental procedures for several years, finally figured out it was being caused by the light patterns in videogames
Stopped playing a couple months ago and hasn't had an attack since, but now he's depressed cause he can't play Ragnarok next month lol
I got a buddy who's had it for years, kept having attacks on a weekly basis no matter what they tried, changed his diet, cut out salt, went to specialists that did all kinds of experimental procedures for several years, finally figured out it was being caused by the light patterns in videogames
Stopped playing a couple months ago and hasn't had an attack since, but now he's depressed cause he can't play Ragnarok next month lol
did he try playing with sunglasses?
Sorry bud. I hope you feel better. When I was a child, I saw the effects of vertigo on an episode of animated batman show. I would spin around in a circle afterwards and try to walk around my living room. I imagine this is ten times worse.
Most of my life actually. Mine tends to be more seasonal but quite chronic and when the temps change in the spring and fall is when I really get hit bad. Other times it can be a specific setting that triggers it. For example I sometimes struggle in dimly lit restaurants with too much background noise, to the point where I have to immediately just leave. It's never fun, I feel ya.

Find yourself a upper cervical chiropractic doctor. Also try this:

I went through a spell for like 2 months and then it went away and never came back. This was like 6 yrs ago
I've had it since December of last year. Been to a doctor, neurologist, and opthalmologist already. Haven't been to an ENT yet. It's been rough. Last night, when I went to bed, every time I closed my eyes, the room would start spinning and I already sleepier than shit. I haven't slept yet and I gotta go to work. Seems like I get dizzy if I lie on my back straight, but it gets better if I'm on my sides, especially if I'm turned to the right and my head is at a specific position.

Shit that sucks, sorry to hear that.
I've had it since December of last year. Been to a doctor, neurologist, and opthalmologist already. Haven't been to an ENT yet. It's been rough. Last night, when I went to bed, every time I closed my eyes, the room would start spinning and I already sleepier than shit. I haven't slept yet and I gotta go to work. Seems like I get dizzy if I lie on my back straight, but it gets better if I'm on my sides, especially if I'm turned to the right and my head is at a specific position.

Try to do mushrooms or lsd maybe it can help. I dunno
My mom had a bad case for a while. Apparently it's something in the ear. Not sure about the places you've mentioned, but you need to see some kind of ear specalist.
Once in a while, I will have some vertigo symptoms for a week or two. It will go away for a year or so, and then suddenly come back.
I can't play 1st Person Shooters. I can't even watch for more than a minute or two. I played one night for a few hours, and I had vertigo for 4 days. It was terrible. I can't imagine as long as you.

My neighbor had it for over a month. It turns out we have Crystals in our ears. If they are out of line, you get vertigo and literally need you head shaken. No joke and it works to cure it. She's fine now.

If you think this may be the case, you can get a fix, but not many people know this one. It's pretty weird.
I had one episode and it was scary as shit. Went to pull a bowl of soup out of the microwave and fell back dumping it all over the floor and myself. I attempted to get up for almost an hour sliding around in beef stew, before I worked my way to the couch and pasted out.

Still have no idea what caused it and never went to the Dr. Just spoke to my mother about it and she had some vertigo meds she gave me in case it happens again.
I had it for a span of about 4 days several years ago. Sickest I ever felt in my life.

I remember thinking.....if I was terminally ill and was going to feel like this for the rest of my time, I'd opt for assisted suicide.
I've had it since December of last year. Been to a doctor, neurologist, and opthalmologist already. Haven't been to an ENT yet. It's been rough. Last night, when I went to bed, every time I closed my eyes, the room would start spinning and I already sleepier than shit. I haven't slept yet and I gotta go to work. Seems like I get dizzy if I lie on my back straight, but it gets better if I'm on my sides, especially if I'm turned to the right and my head is at a specific position.

That sucks. I’ve had short bouts with it over the years and it’s a really odd thing to deal with. I couldn’t imagine having to constantly deal with it.
Got it from a severe inner ear infection. Not sure if I could live with it.