Crime AOC to Cruz: Thanks for the Help, But You Almost Had Me Murdered Three Weeks Ago...


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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She's right, you know.

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz ate populism, and all I got was this shitty coup.

AOC and the rest of the Squad are the country's only hope at this point.

We got the wrong damned Revolution last time.
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Not "tried" to have her murder, "almost" had her murdered.

Small difference in language, but a big difference in meaning. Either way it is a dramatic statement, but anybody claiming that people in the Capitol Building would not have caused her harm are lying to themselves. They were beating down police officers with poles and any items they could get their hands on, I'm pretty sure AOC was in serious danger, and Ted Cruz played a role in causing the insanity. So no, he did not try to have AOC murdered. But his absurdly irresponsible and reckless actions did put her in danger.

Garret Miller of Texas faces five criminal charges stemming from the Capitol insurrection, including trespassing offenses and making death threats. Miller allegedly tweeted, "assassinate AOC," according to court documents.

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everyone in congress should be saying this to his weaselly face every single day forever. Even after he resigns in disgrace
I wish she would have instead called him out on the fact that he's repeatedly voted to deregulate finance, degrade protections for consumers and lenders, and help rig the system and make it more corrupt. And he's only jumping on this bandwagon for bad faith populist cred.

She's right, you know.

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz ate populism, and all I got was this shitty coup.

AOC and the rest of the Squad are the country's only hope at this point.

We got the wrong damned Revolution last time.

Lol the only thing the squad is great for is indentity politics to fuel more racial division
What eaxtly didmTed Cruz say, tweet or do to have her think this? Why is he not being the equivalent of being impeached like trump if there is any actually proof of wrong doing?
I love that this thread will just bring out the misogynist right wingers of Sherdog club who are more offended by a tweet than a bunch of white supremacists storming the capital with zip ties and a noose. But hey, I know outspoken women, especially brown ones, are really scary!!
They just need to fight at this point.

All this woofin on twitter got them both looking scared to throw hands.

You say he crossed the line between Senator and Grown Ass Man Anglin For An Asswhooping but won't knuckle up?

I hope we get a fighting words law after all this.