Are there more conspiracy theory enjoyers then ever before?

The internet has allowed them to expand their batshit theories with one another so yeah I think there’s more today than ever
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When I was a teenager I thought the government was covering up UFOs, but it seemed fairly fringe. Now birds are fake, the earth is flat, and dinosaurs were never real.

Do people just believe everything now, or is it just because it's easy to be loud on social media? What's happening?

The lizard people democrats are the savior of our people even though they don't know what a woman is and Biden can't string 2 words together.
The lizard people democrats are the savior of our people even though they don't know what a woman is and Biden can't string 2 words together.
The only reason why you rubes ever believed that men were men and women were women for so long was because the evil patriarchy wanted to hold women down and stop them from discovering they were really men too. The truth is men can be women and women can be men if they really, really feel like it. And that’s a fact!
Known in my inner circle as a perspicacious observationalist, I give credence to the often ridiculed notion that many conspiracy theories are true, or at least contain half truths.

Some conspiracy (and skeptic) theories may be true while others are not. The problem is that most people are simply not capable of actually evaluating and symthesiIng the available information. Its a lot more fun and less work to just repeat something your favorite echo chamber is saying
The lizard people democrats are the savior of our people even though they don't know what a woman is and Biden can't string 2 words together.

weird, cause it was only 20 or so years ago all the lizard people where bush and the queen
There have always been conspiracy theorists. But I do think there are more now, or at least a greater percentage of the population now, who believe conspiracy theories.

The reason I think that is that one side of the political spectrum has co-opted the conspiracy theorists. So they have been actively promoting conspiracy theories with the help of certain major Jews networks. And also, by aligning their political ideology with conspiracy theories, they have co-opted their own base into conspiratorial thinking, thereby making people who under normal circumstances were not conspiracy theorists into conspiracy theorists en masse.
When I was a teenager I thought the government was covering up UFOs, but it seemed fairly fringe. Now birds are fake, the earth is flat, and dinosaurs were never real.

Do people just believe everything now, or is it just because it's easy to be loud on social media? What's happening?

Birds are fake? ...well those "fake" pigeons are sure leaving a heap of crap for me to clean up for imaginary animals :(
Just got banned on the misc for something I didn't do... Conspiracy
Birds are fake? ...well those "fake" pigeons are sure leaving a heap of crap for me to clean up for imaginary animals :(
someone started the "Birds are fake" thing just as joke and to satire the zany CTs that are out there
99% of people don't believe that. Folks just focus on the 1% (generous estimate) and say "people are so stupid/gullible nowadays!"

Lemme tell you... in the 90s, long before you could go on YouTube and get sucked into a conspiracy theory black hole about the illuminati, I'd be walking in the streets of NYC and there'd be dudes in the streets screaming about Yacub (the evil scientist who created the white man) or some other weird conspiracy theory.

This is nothing new.
Damn, banned again?

Dude should've stayed out of the War Room.
The internet makes it easier for confirmation bias to happen. You find a website that has 10k people saying vaccines cause autism and now you think you are part of a group that has found a secret. Before that, you would have to be a nutcase that would be surrounded by people that would question your medical knowledge or how you even came to that conclusion.
Maybe .............or maybe most people now have become so politically brainwashed the so called conspiracy nuts are really the normal ones .

UFO's were a conspiracy

Now's there's countless evidence and even the Gov is admitting the truth.

Maybe they built them?
i think ghosts are next. Soon if you don't believe in ghosts, youll be a ghostphobe
I'm on discord politics server and there is a channel designated for flat earthers.

I FUCKING HATE these people. HATE. Like I have a vile contempt for their idiocy and love and romance for conspiracy theories.

You can't argue with them. You can't talk rationally. It's annoying.

They are a prime example as to the reality that humanity was not ready for the internet. You can invent whatever dumb fuck conspiracy theory you come up with, log onto the internet and there will likely be a group of fellow idiots that you can shelter yourself with as you validate each other's idiocy in your echo chambers.