Are you a high value man

Got looks and a good job, sherdog account

problem is I don’t want them and their baggage sherbro
I give good back scratches and foot rubs....if that is not high value I dont know what is.
All you need is chloroform and a good rag
contrary to popular belief and film portrayals it takes on average approximately 30 seconds to fully lose consciousness with this method in practice, so not really great advice if you are being serious
Woman want their feelings and opinions validated. It's why they will bitch incessantly about something or someone and take none of your advice on how to deal with it. They simply want you to agree and be totally sympathetic to their thoughts, feelings, and emotion.

I have done this so I must be "high value".

"Yeah baby, you're totally right. Stephanie sounds like a bitch. She's probably mad that you got a promotion and that co-workers like you more."