Are you THIS kind of a gamer?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
Reaction score
I have a thing for doing all the side quests first especially if the game has a talent tree system.

Generally, yeah. Unless i dont like the game and just want to push to the end to say i beat it.

Or the story is so great i feel the need to chase it before doing all the side stuff, but thats very rare for open world games.
I have so little time to play games and my backlog is huge so I generally just plow through games. Last game I put in an effort to do all side quests was GTAV, but my game glitched out and I could not initiate one of the side quests. Plus one of them had you trying to find a ridiculous amount of pieces of paper. I noped out at like 92%.
No. I usually go through the main story first then do the side stuff if I want. I sometimes play infrequently so it's hard enough for me to follow the story.
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I'm definitely like that, but it's more an OCD thing where I can't stand having tons of quests in my journal or icons on the map. It's one reason I struggle with story-rich open world games - I spend so much time away from the main storyline trying to clear shit up that I lose track of the plot and stop caring (The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age Inquisition come to mind), and this only frustrates me because I know I'm missing out and neglecting a big part of the experience but I can't snap out of that shit

I get on a lot better with big open world games which don't have much of a story anyway (Like say Ghost Recon Wildlands, Skyrim or Farcry games), where I can go around hoovering up quests and map icons without caring about the actual story
Most definitely take fallout 3 it was a full month for me before i even touched the main story quest. As soon i saw megaton with the bomb my first thought was can i set it off
It depends on the game. Darkest Dungeon or Fear/Hunger type games will ruin your planning.
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Most definitely take fallout 3 it was a full month for me before i even touched the main story quest. As soon i saw megaton with the bomb my first thought was can i set it off

I ran right past Megaton, and after several more hours just happened to run into the Dad character in Rivet city.
Yes. I prefer to do EVERYTHING in one area before moving on to the next area.
Not really.

I rush through the first playthrough to get the storyline. Second playthrough is me trying to do want I want from the game.
I wouldn’t say I do all the side quests before the first boss, but I’ll usually step aside from the main story and start banging them off till they’re almost all done before returning to the main quest when I’m maybe 30-60% done the game.
I definitely do a lot of the side quests before coming close to finishing a game. Unless it's one of those games that makes you progress before unlocking quests. Dead island 2 is like that.
I mix between moving the main story along and getting lost in side quests, so long as they are interesting, or give me XP/loot-like rewards.

If I really like a game, I'll do them just as much to prolong ending the game and getting immersed in the world, as I would for any rewards.
I mix between moving the main story along and getting lost in side quests, so long as they are interesting, or give me XP/loot-like rewards.

If I really like a game, I'll do them just as much to prolong ending the game and getting immersed in the world, as I would for any rewards.

Reminds me of my Far Cry 5 playthrough. I wanted to finish the challenges, fish as much as possible and discover everything because I genuinely enjoyed the game and the setting.