Ariel Helwani has never been invited on JRE


Red Belt
Oct 10, 2011
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Just caught this on the MMA Hour, Helwani doing fan Q&A; is this due to Rogan’s fierce loyalty to Dana? Shame because a three hour mma convo between the two could be worthwhile imo.
I don't think Joe really likes him, maybe because of Dana, maybe not.

But there are old videos of Ariel interviewing him back in the day when Joe's hair was still barely clinging on and they are all fairly tense and awkward.
Does Helwani seriously seem like a guy you wanna have on a podcast? In fact, who genuinely likes Ariel as a human being? He's a drama stirring weasel who always has a hidden agenda, nobody likes those types of people.
The JRE has outgrown MMA.

I got buddies who listen to him as though it were gospel, and they avoid MMA episodes.
I'd dig Helwani being on, but i don't think it'd be all that popular.

I could be wrong though.
I think he's okay with Ariel, even after the whole UFC 200 early Brock reveal thing.
He's had other guys like Luke Thomas on who also shit on the UFC a ton.
Just caught this on the MMA Hour, Helwani doing fan Q&A; is this due to Rogan’s fierce loyalty to Dana? Shame because a three hour mma convo between the two could be worthwhile imo.
It's because Ariel would ask Joe something which Joe wouldn't be able to answer. It would stick Joe between a weasel and a bold cunt.

I like Ariel btw, a lot of the hate is undeserved imo. He's 10x better than any journalist the UFC has. John Morgan? Laughable.
Luke Thomas? Now that's a real cunt even though I tolerate him.
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dana approves of bernie sanders? lmao
I shoulda been more clear and said MMA fighters,
Dana doesn’t like Schuab, Luke Thomas and plenty of people who have been on
Good call. If Dana has shown outright contempt for a fighter, Joe imho wouldn't share his platform, knowing it would definitely give them more coverage.