Article on slow twitch for hypertrophy and power athletes

If it's by Pavel, its legit. Didn't read the article.
I think for many sports you want to be careful about gaining weight and hypertrophy. For many sports like a guard in basketball, soccer etc, it's beneficial to be as light and explosive as possible. You've got to be careful about putting on unnecessary weight in the thighs upper arms and chest. For these sports, hypertrophy of the core is a good thing and in the lower legs, feet, forearms and hands.

If you're a running back, the added hypertrophy and weight in the thighs, upper arms and chest is not a bad thing. That mass is necessary to help you absorb the collisions on the field.
He is saying that you should not forgo ST work, but you should definitely not forgo FT work either. And what is ST work really? Basicly he is saying that it's just medium or slower paced workouts, which any sensible person should be doing already, especially as the foundation of their training.

Also, in the article it claimed that FT fibers had a contraction rate 25-40% faster than ST fibers, but studies suggest that FT fibers are 3-4 timer faster and in the litterature I've read some FTx fibers have a contraction rate up to 10 times faster than ST ones. ST fibers however is where it's at for aerobic capacity and recovery overall, it's also less stressful on the nervous system training at lower intensities.

I didn't really understand the point he was trying to get across with the article and the Russian study he was citing sounded dodgy.
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If it's by Pavel, its legit. Didn't read the article.

Very smart, well informed and famous people occasionally say things that are wrong. You shouldn't assume that it's right just because Pavel Tsatsouline said it, and especially not without reading it.
I skimmed over the article. It sounds like what he is saying is that ST is not all that bad, but, still, FT will improve most things, athletically, exponentially more than ST. I used to do manual labor, body weight exercises in the military, and roll a lot, so I think that is enough when it comes to ST training.
Very smart, well informed and famous people occasionally say things that are wrong. You shouldn't assume that it's right just because Pavel Tsatsouline said it, and especially not without reading it.
Very true - I rarely find someone I agree with on 100% everything, even if they are someone i generally look up to. However, with people like Pavel, or anyone else like that, almost everything they write has value, even if it doesn't have specific value to you. But you are right, my first response was much too simple. I should have said Pavel is legit, and that there will be something useful in that article, although it might not be valuable to the TS right now.