Asking an unknown lady you see on the street for a date?

Nope , never.

Have had it when walking the dog or shopping when I've ended up talking to someone and they've asked me for coffee or kind of tested the water and backed off when I mention being married ( I don't wear a wedding ring ).
Anyone done that ?
Just asking her something with excusez moi to start the conversation and asap trigger the question to see her again ?
Gillette told us it's the wrong thing to do

Doesn't that usually cost about $50? I think Hugh Grant knows.

Never done it.
I wouldn't do it. If you put yourself in her shoes, it would probably be annoying. Like she's just trying to get to work or do errands and some random stranger just says "hey let's go on a date"

Now if you actually had a conversation and it's going well, then maybe. But just running up and asking her out right away? Nah.
If that doesnt work, best to just let your junk out in
public and carry a sign that reads, “Free to a good hole!”
Often, every town have a ''party Street'' with a lots of bars, restaurants etc.
One of the best place to hit on girls.

on a random street when you come across a girl who's alone,
fuck no!
It's happened to me in reverse. I don't really got time or energy to chase girls I just engage with the ones who come after me and that has worked out fine for me.
The worst that could happen is you get kicked in the balls or pepper sprayed.
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