


I had to travel out of town for the summer and since I could not hang a punching bag i desided to buy a freestanding bag. I ended up buying Century Martial Arts B.O.B. The bag incase you do not know it is a human torso on a freestanding frame that you can hit.


  • The dummy it's self is built well. I feel like I could throw it off a freeeway over pass, have it be run over, and still use it the next day.
  • It's awesome for clinch drills (power, technique, and combos) with out hurting your partner.
  • You can lay him on the ground and work on non-guard ground and pound.
  • He's good for kicking and punching technique...making sure your hitting the correct targets.


  • The frame is built like a childs toy, you feel like you are going to break it with every hard strike.
  • The bag moves around with every hard strike.
  • The dummy is facing you head on...it would be better if they put him in an on guard posistion.
  • The main complate is you can't tell if you had a good strike or not, on a heavy bag you hear a pop or see an indent. On B.O.B. you just see him wobble around no matter how clean the strike was.

The bag is only really good for clinch work, if you have the money to spend and have the passion on clinch work get one...if not stick with a hanging heavy bag.
I had one of these exact models for a few years before I sold it to a friend. He later went crazy and stabbed it with a katana when he was tripping hard on acid but I digress. I wanted to warn you that my BOB's head got very loose before I decided to part ways with him. Basically, the neck wore out.
I have heard so many bad things about these things. Oh well.
I have one and love it. To me it's way better than a heavy bag.
If you get boxing ring weights and put them around the base, it will stabilize BOB.
Sorry, they are called rock anchors. You can fill them with sand, about 60-80 lbs worth. They should have them on the Ringside or Everlast site. I think they are about $25.
Used one at the gym I train at. They are alright. Just dont think I wouldn't spend the money to own one myself, but bob is good to smack around sometimes.
I got a 100lb heavy which I am happy with, and I would never pay for that BOB thing.

The ones I saw were around 200$, is that how much you paid? If you use it for a while and don't like it, return it and get a heavy bag, it is probably way better, but that could also be just my preference. Some may prefer BOB over a heavybag.
Sometimes I would come home from a late night of drinking and see Bob chillin in the corner and think someone broke into my house. I would grab my knife in reflex. Fucking darkness is a bitch when you are a alcoholic sociopath like me.
Maxwell said:
Sometimes I would come home from a late night of drinking and see Bob chillin in the corner and think someone broke into my house. I would grab my knife in reflex. Fucking darkness is a bitch when you are a alcoholic sociopath like me.

thats funny! i could imagine that thing freaking you out if you forgot it was in the room. cheap home security...
when i broke my old grappling dummy...my friends and I did some fucked up shit...(i.e. free way overpasses)
That will only work on the BOB that you hang, the OP has the freestanding BOB, which uses teh same base as the Wavemaster. Those weighted bags won't fit.

The freestanding bob and wavemaster can be filled with about 400lbs of sand but the things still move because the plastic base is smooth.
dude i got my Bob for 199.99 with a 25buck coupon = $175...got to love 4th of july sales!