Elections Biden impeachment hearings mega thread (art dealer questioned)

You're right, it can be an attitude toward policy. Again, I'm going to disagree. As I just pointed out with the vaccine stuff that you refuse to acknowledge, it is possible for his base to break with him. Another good example is if Trump decided to push WEF positions then he would be thrown in the toilet by his base.

"WEF positions" are also not real, though. That's just anti-marketing. Any position that is called a WEF one could be adopted by Republicans and then it wouldn't be called a "WEF position." Like, wouldn't regressive tax cuts naturally be a "WEF position"? But that was the only major legislation Trump passed. Didn't lose any support for it.
Why would you assume that’s all I’ve got?
I was just listing a couple of examples. I could just have easily talked about the 2 government shutdowns he had that cost us billions (remember how he turned down 20 million dollars in comprehensive border security in favor of a measly 5 million for his wall? Genius stuff), the tarrifs on China hat were so poorly thought out that we had to spend 6 billion dollars bailing out our own farmers, or any number of things.

These two examples aren’t all
I’ve got either. “America First” is just bullshit branding, it’s not a policy. It’s not even a means of approaching policy.
Lol, such a pathetic reach with all this. Trump caused congress to shut down the government. Sure sure. And prioritizing the wall and adding tariffs to China are clearly bad for America. Are done embarrassing yourself?
"WEF positions" are also not real, though. That's just anti-marketing. Any position that is called a WEF one could be adopted by Republicans and then it wouldn't be called a "WEF position." Like, wouldn't regressive tax cuts naturally be a "WEF position"? But that was the only major legislation Trump passed. Didn't lose any support for it.
More gaslighting? Does WEF have policy positions or not?
Oh my. What a meltdown.

Followed by:

How long have you been holding all of this in? That can’t be healthy. I can’t imagine why I’d accuse you guys of ignoring the substance of my post (which you did yet again by not even quoting that part of it), and I certainly don’t know why I’d accuse you of butthurt. Nope, no butthurt here. You definitely weren’t shaking your little fists and hyperventilating into a paper bag when you wrote that shit.<Lmaoo>

Pretty sure “Butthurt Douchebag” is what the BD in your name stands for.


Yep, that's the ramblings of a very sane person. Are you gonna challenge me to a fight at the monkey bars next?
More gaslighting? Does WEF have policy positions or not?

Doesn't seem like it has specific ones from a glance at their site. Lot of kind of platitudinous statements of principles (that I'd think would have broad agreement).

Lol, such a pathetic reach with all this. Trump caused congress to shut down the government. Sure sure. And prioritizing the wall and adding tariffs to China are clearly bad for America. Are done embarrassing yourself?

It's weird that this stuff gets you so angry. I don't think anyone thinks that prioritizing the wall and adding tariffs are good for America.
It’s true there’s no proof so far that the President cashed checks from foreign sources. But there’s plenty of evidence that son Hunter and others in the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreign partners who believed they were buying influence with his father. The House has good reason to follow these leads about a President who is asking to remain in office for another four years.
Former Hunter business partner Devon Archer says Joe Biden was “the brand” being sold, and that as Vice President he participated by speakerphone with Hunter and his business associates at least 20 times, and that he also met or dined with Hunter and his foreign associates. These included Russian oligarchs, a Ukrainian executive being investigated for corruption, and a Chinese business partner for whose daughter Mr. Archer thinks Joe Biden wrote a college letter of recommendation.
We also know that Vice President Biden okayed talking points on the Ukrainian company Burisma supplied by Hunter business associate Eric Schwerin. We know the State Department’s George Kent warned Mr. Biden in 2015 that Hunter’s presence on the board of Burisma was being used to undermine America’s anti-corruption message.
An FBI informant has told the bureau that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma’s CEO, paid $5 million each in bribes to Hunter and Joe.
The Biden money trail goes through at least 20 shell companies; the Vice President used different email pseudonyms; and at least 170 financial transactions related to Hunter or Joe’s brother James Biden were flagged to Treasury as suspicious. A pair of IRS agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, told Congress that the Justice Department undermined their investigation into Hunter Biden’s emails and tax filings.
did you try a marketplace plan, better known as Obamacare? Which was crafted and passed by a brown person in a suit

I would say in general that blaming white people in suits for your problems is not in the top 5 or even 10 list for strategies for success.

Plus you say you don’t have a job, yet you recently moved, despite your wife having a heart attack? Did you not have a job in NYC? Why leave without a job in NH? Why can’t you find a job? This is bidenomics man, hottest job market ever.

I dont see how you being unemployed is the problem of the House of Representatives
Actually it was white people in suits who refused to vote for it unless they dropped to public option. One even jumped party lines.
Lol, such a pathetic reach with all this. Trump caused congress to shut down the government. Sure sure. And prioritizing the wall and adding tariffs to China are clearly bad for America. Are done embarrassing yourself?
Dude, are you kidding me right now? How do you think that shutdown happened? The Senate passed an appropriations bill with no wall funding, and it seemed that the House was likely to pass it too until Trump flipped out about his dumbshit wall not getting funding, and said he wouldn’t sign the bill. So yeah, one dude basically shut the government down. Don’t get me wrong, Republicans could’ve told him to get fucked, and passed the bill they planned to pass anyway, and then joined Dems in overriding his veto if he had chosen to veto it—but they didn’t have the balls to stand up to him, which is my point. They had no platform, they just had TRUMP! They still don’t have the balls to stand up to him tbh.

In the Trump years, our entire legislative process was basically held hostage by two people: Trump, and Mitch McConnell. When a bill came to the Senate, McConnell would just ask Trump how he felt about it. If Trump said he’d sign it, Mitch would let the Senate vote on it. If Trump didn’t like the bill, it stayed on McConnell’s desk gathering dust. All that shit we were taught in civics class about how Congress works, all that Schoolhouse Rock “I’m Only A Bill” shit? It didn’t work like that during the Trump years.
"WEF positions" are also not real, though. That's just anti-marketing. Any position that is called a WEF one could be adopted by Republicans and then it wouldn't be called a "WEF position." Like, wouldn't regressive tax cuts naturally be a "WEF position"? But that was the only major legislation Trump passed. Didn't lose any support for it.

Weird that America first is basically just treats for rich people and GOP donors
I think it's being driven by a very small group and most Republicans agree with you or don't care.

I would guess the idea is to push McCarty into a no win trap.

CNN presented this claim:
Claim: Biden family and associates got $20 million through shell companies “Bank records show that nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies,” McCarthy said.
Facts First: This is true about Joe Biden’s family and associates, but there is no public evidence to date that the president personally received any money.

CNN presented this claim:
Claim: Biden family and associates got $20 million through shell companies “Bank records show that nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies,” McCarthy said.
Facts First: This is true about Joe Biden’s family and associates, but there is no public evidence to date that the president personally received any money.

On the campaign trail and debates he literally said there was no foreign money. He was pressed on money from a Russian oligarch and straight up denied it. Turns out… it was true. Just like everything else.

edit: I know I know, Joe had no involvement in Hunters business dealings… except for dropping in on 20+ conference calls, countless dinners, emails, etc.
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