BILLIONAIRE retailer Gerry Harvey has predicted Australia will become an “Asian country”

It's Australia, an country that only exists because people who weren't from there came over and set up their residences. It, like America, doesn't really have a strong argument against massive immigration. Maybe a population size argument is valid since it is an island though.
Well, once it does become an Asian country, immigration will surely be controlled.
Well, it's white people's fault for not having children.
Why does Australia need a reason to control immigration? It is a sovereign country. Ask Australia's Aborginal population what happened the last time Australia allowed unchecked immigration.
Ironic if it does and Chinese get into power and start controlling immigration against muslims like they do in east asian countries.

Jokes aside, a relative visited Australia and was shocked at just how many Chinese there where already as a visible minority.

In China we trust!
Give it another 50 years then it'll be Chinese majority in Australia and they'll own every part of the government.

Then if the US has to goto war in Asia, Australia will do a WWE heel turn and fuck us over... damn billabongs!
The usual gnashing of teeth from the usual suspects.
Immigration peaked at 300,000 in 2008 before being reduced to 200,000. So it can certainly be regulated.
The biggest problem with the "big Australia" advocates is that they don't want to upgrade infrastructure to match or account for the environmental load.
They are happy to have increased wealth polarisation and the resulting social and environmental impacts, so long as the economy is growing.
Give it another 50 years then it'll be Chinese majority in Australia and they'll own every part of the government.

Then if the US has to goto war in Asia, Australia will do a WWE heel turn and fuck us over... damn billabongs!

Well the chinese dont have a gazillion kids. I get tired of the assumtpion that because we are in asia it is out destiny to become asian. The original inhabitants were aboriginal and we are a very long way from east asia. I havent been to sydney but ive never got the impression the chinese are even a slight majority in any of the other cities.

Also pine gap.
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the future is really going to suck lol. luckily we got in when the getting was good.
Same is happening to New Zealand as well. It will essentially be parted out to globalist ambition.
Good. I'd like for Australia to have a much larger, more diverse population.

Victoria is larger than Great Britain and NSW is twice the size of Germany so 150-200 million could easily be accommodated.
Why is he saying you can't control population growth? Of course you can. Fertility rates around the around continue to decline. Why do these supposedly 'intelligent' people always say such stupid things? And as for controlling immigration - most of the world does just fine controlling it.

Fertility rates are exploding in Africa. It is a massive crisis.
Good. I'd like for Australia to have a much larger, more diverse population.

Victoria is larger than Great Britain and NSW is twice the size of Germany so 150-200 million could easily be accommodated.

Then the Australian government should encourage Australians to have more children. Why import millions?
If the asians are educated and bring resources for economical growth I dont see the problem. I dont live there but how can Australians complain.

Shut up or give it back to the aboriginals.

Australians seeing their people disappear and their culture changed for ever is something to complain about. They built and ran the country so that China can come and take it over?

You progressive lunatics are so mind fucked.
It's Australia, an country that only exists because people who weren't from there came over and set up their residences. It, like America, doesn't really have a strong argument against massive immigration. Maybe a population size argument is valid since it is an island though.

People went there and now you have Australians. Do you think Australians are the same as Americans and Canadians?

I like how you reveal your desires in your posts. No strong argument against mass immigration... What a disturbed individual.

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