Black students at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School are not happy about the police presence.

Yes, there are. However, it is still very disheartening when you see how selective the outrage seems to be when a cop shoots someone that is black vs tens of thousands of black men murdering each other in the streets like dogs.
It's because cops are held to a higher standard and are expected to uphold the law, not shoot unarmed people. That's why there's a difference in focus.

If you want to fight gang violence, go ahead and do that. No need to bring it up when a different issue is being talked about.
Considering how many unarmed AA kids end up dead at the hands (or guns) of cops, I can certainly understand their concern. It can certainly hurt your school performance when you have to worry you might be executed for being tardy or not raising your hand to go to the bathroom

They only have to worry if they're committing crimes, attacking police or trying to run from them.
It's because cops are held to a higher standard and are expected to uphold the law, not shoot unarmed people. That's why there's a difference in focus.

If you want to fight gang violence, go ahead and do that. No need to bring it up when a different issue is being talked about.

Gang violence and criminal activity are the reasons why black people are being shot. They're not being shot for no reason.
It's because cops are held to a higher standard and are expected to uphold the law, not shoot unarmed people. That's why there's a difference in focus.

If you want to fight gang violence, go ahead and do that. No need to bring it up when a different issue is being talked about.
It does need to be brought up. Priorities.
They only have to worry if they're committing crimes, attacking police or trying to run from them.
Tell that to Tamir Rice and countless others. Oh thats right. You can't. He was killed for none of those reasons
Tell that to Tamir Rice and countless others. Oh thats right. You can't. He was killed for none of those reasons

Cops aren't hunting black people. If the crime levels weren't so high this wouldn't be happening.
It does need to be brought up. Priorities.
Is it possible to bring it up as something else than a "whataboutism" though? Cops wrongly kill a black person "whatabout the crips"?
Is it possible to bring it up as something else than a "whataboutism" though? Cops wrongly kill a black person "whatabout the crips"?
It's not a whataboutism when a far more urgent situation takes a backseat.
Is it possible to bring it up as something else than a "whataboutism" though? Cops wrongly kill a black person "whatabout the crips"?

You don't think the crips or any other gang put cops on edge?
breaking news: blacks dont trust the police
You cant make this stuff up....

Who is raised to not like cops or not want them around?


People always doing something wrong and do not want to get caught
They are trying to, if you would take 5 minutes to use google you can see that there's plenty of black community initiatives against gang violence.

lol Don't even bother trying, man.
kids dont want guns at school?
shocking /s

best you build military base near every school/college so they feel even more safe

complete failure from US society that it has gotten to this stage of protection needed in place of education
Sounds like agents of George Soros have been hanging around the school
This is another shining example of "Victim Olympics"...It's a contest to see who can "out victim" the other guy. Sad, but not entirely unexpected.
It's the base philosophy of all the other anti-gun / anti-trump / anti-white / anti-male / anti-western movements. This is the mindset that gets them going. Their social currency (or more)
Once again, who gives a fuck what these kids like and don't like? When did fucking children start having so much say? There's a reason they can't vote yet.
Would be an interesting social experiment if law enforcement coverage was completely removed from all communities that predominately state they have a fear and distrust of them, and wish to see their presence reduced, for one week. Let them vote on it so the "will of the people" is clearly and plainly known that they desire one full week of a complete absence of law enforcement to see how the community deals with any of the issues routinely addressed by LEO's. Or, if that's simply too drastic of an experiment then let them vote to reduce amount of LEO's servicing their area by half for one week.

At the end of that week start collating the data to see how safe that community felt during the week, how many crimes may have been committed during that week, how many firearm related crimes or deaths may have been committed during that time, etc.

Any community willing to be that test subject?

Someone should tell them not every cop is out to get them. Why aren't they spending more time trying to reduce the crime rate and gang violence in certain communities?

Why aren't high school kids doing more to solve generational issues within the black community?

Not sure if serious.