Body shots against a fat opponent.

there is muscles on your liver , your ab don't matter

Read as: "there is NOT A SINGLE F***ING MUSCLE CELL on/in your liver (with the exception of vascular smooth muscle)"

Source: I'm a doctor.
Last edited:
A doctor that doesn't recognize trolling.
You found x100's training videos.

There used to be an arcade machine where you could play that scene by punching focus mitts that popped up at you. Taught me everything I know.
Read as: "there is NOT A SINGLE F***ING MUSCLE CELL on/in your liver (with the exception of vascular smooth muscle)"

Source: I'm a doctor.

This here forum ain't abig enough fer the both of us
I've noticed something about body shots: how much they deform the opponent's body determines a lot of the damage that they do.

Obviously, placement matters, too. You could punch a well-conditioned guy right above his belly button with straight punches in 16 oz. gloves all day, and as long as he saw the shots coming, he'd almost be none the worse for it.

But that's the thing: right in the middle of your abs, head-on...nothing. Slam a shin flush into the side of somebody's ribs up by their's not pleasant, but it doesn't really phase you. BUT: a looping punch near the edge of the ribcage...a shin to the breadbasket that almost folds you in half...those are the kind of body shots that hurt. And those are the ones that distort the shape of the torso the most.

I agree with the poster who said body KICKS hurt fat guys more. Especially push kicks. When you teep a skinny guy, you push him way back, but his little skinny body isn't changed by the push. When you teep a fat guy, a lot of that force is going to be absorbed by the his belly.

Or whatever. Everybody's different. Seriously, some random fat-looking guys are kind of indestructible, and some random skinny dudes are tough as hell. Sometimes it seems like there's almost no pattern to that.

Also, I must say: yes, SummerStriker. There are totally guys like that at most of the gyms I've been to. These guys are tough, spar as hard as anyone else, but just aren't into willing enough to cut weight to compete at that level, or want to engage in every aspect of fighting except the weight cutting. I think there are a lot of guys who look at the weight-class facet of combat sports and say, "That's beside the point. I went into this to be able to fight, not to be able to fight a certain segment of the population, who are between 145- 155 lbs." I've met a lot of girls who think it's hot when a guy's good at fighting, and not as hot that he diets to make sure the dudes he's fighting aren't too big... (Disclaimer: I am one of those guys. If she doesn't think it's sexy, SHE can fight his giant a#@.)

I've met some large guys with incredible cardio.