BPC-157 for sports injury repair

yes, they are exceptionally tight. not in a tense way, and not in an inflexible way, but, "tight," like, "THAT'S SO FUCKING TIGHT DUDE!" or, "tight," like how Shakira's hips don't like, tight.

My hips didn't really get unfucked and loosen up until I started seeing a pelvic doc and therapist, and doing like a men's pelvic floor rehab/trigger point/yoga routine 3x a week + normal foam rolling.

All the normal stretching + foam rolling in the world didn't hit that last little bit that was needed to bring my hips back to 100%.

I'll admit, I was trying to be funny, but there may be some tightening of my hips, but I am super active and stretch daily. I don't have an in-depth yoga session each day, but I do stretch constantly throughout the day. I have been focused more on stretching the muscles around my pelvis than I have in previous years.

I’d bet my last rolo it’s a hip issue not a knee issue.

You can thank me later, soft lips!
Only have done Semorelin + Ipamorelin years ago when was in US, for about a year & half, before moved to PH in late 2017.

Best anti aging (improved metabolism/fat loss, recovery/more consistent energy & feeling of subtle well being).

Will prolly start again in a few years, hard to get quality sources & compounding pharmacy’s may have to fly back to US.

Haven’t started research process yet (logistics & availability), but prolly will soon enough.
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It’s not alternative medicine, it’s just not promoted to poor people who don’t deserve to heal like millionaire athletes.
Makes sense.

Millionaire athletes bring joy to thousands if not millions of people. While poor people, are poor. Have to choose how we distribute our resources wisely.
Is that the new protocol from Devlin McGregor?
Have you addressed that area physically? How all the muscles that attach to your knee fire and work? Weak/dysfunctional adductors? Get a physical assessment from someone good. How do you squat? Any pain anywhere? Asymettries etc..
I’d bet my last rolo it’s a hip issue not a knee issue.

You can thank me later, soft lips!

eh, I wish this was the case. I was a high level skateboarder and fractured my tibia right below where I have my knee issues back in 2015. the knee issues started around 2017. I'm 99% positive its a torn meniscus and ligament/ cartridge damage over time. I basically skateboarded every single day for 10+ years jumping down stairs and handrails.
Have you addressed that area physically? How all the muscles that attach to your knee fire and work? Weak/dysfunctional adductors? Get a physical assessment from someone good. How do you squat? Any pain anywhere? Asymettries etc..

other than the knee, overall, I am very healthy. I am in the gym or exercise at least 5 times a week and focus a lot on core exercise (yoga, deep stretching, kettlebell, dumbbells, and light weighted squats,) but I am very careful not to over train. I do not run because of this issue, but I can jog in place and jump rope. my knee flares up if I pivot on it wrong.
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Full hamstring rupture and was recommended bpc 157 by a trainer who used it after tearing his bicep. My surgeon was absolutely shocked at how well it worked.

Unfortunately they are rescheduling these peptides, so they will no longer be available soon.

The FDA is a corrupted racket organization.
Imagine banning a peptide, a protein building block made up of organic amino acids that is produced naturally in every single human’s body for the purpose of healing.
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Only have done Semorelin + Ipamorelin years ago when was in US, for about a year & half, before moved to PH in late 2017.

Best anti aging (improved metabolism/fat loss, recovery/more consistent energy & feeling of subtle well being).

Will prolly start again in a few years, hard to get quality sources & compounding pharmacy’s may have to fly back to US.

Haven’t started research process yet (logistics & availability), but prolly will soon enough.

Why not just take hgh rather than something that makes your pituitary produce hgh?
Why not just take hgh rather than something that makes your pituitary produce hgh?
Exogenous hgh ime, dont really care for.
Rather prefer mimic peak (more natural pulsation) of hgh release when one is young. or even slightly supra level.
Exogenous use of lower levels of HGH are fine, but dosing is tricky and not comfortable with long term effects (excess igf1 levels (continuously elevated) & a few other things).
In my experience & consulting with a couple of antiaging clinic docs, i prefer peptides.
I responded much better to this specific ghrh/ghrp combo than hgh.
Not uncommon.
My goals were not anabolic/ped desired outcome, but more natural anti aging related.

That said, people respond different to some meds & compounds.
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Ive used bpc-157 to help with a fairly strong muscle strain from overtraining. In combination with a few weeks rest it healed. I didnt mind having to inject myself, however i prefer snorting my substances, if you catch my drift
Skateboarding huh...

Jesus look at Steve. Haha :)

Skateboarding huh...

Jesus look at Steve. Haha :)


OG Bones Brigade! This was a little before my time, but I love all those videos from the 80s and early 90s. If you wanna see some real early 90s vert skating, check this out. Florida legend Mike Frazier:

raw power! and if you wanna see the best modern day vert skater... enter Jimmy Wilkins:


^^^ this run is insane!!!

Tony Hawk has called him the best vert skater of all time. if you love skateboarding, you will love Jimmy Wilkins.
Only have done Semorelin + Ipamorelin years ago when was in US, for about a year & half, before moved to PH in late 2017.

Best anti aging (improved metabolism/fat loss, recovery/more consistent energy & feeling of subtle well being).

Will prolly start again in a few years, hard to get quality sources & compounding pharmacy’s may have to fly back to US.

Haven’t started research process yet (logistics & availability), but prolly will soon enough.
Damn you made me jaded AF. lol I thought you had some pinoy fountain of youth just like @Flower2dPeople