Brad Pitt vs Leonardo DiCaprio (no homo)

I know the dude gets biblical amounts of pussy. More pussy than like 2 sherbros combined. But I haven't really thought of Leo as attractive since like, The Beach. When he still looked like jailbait. I'm sure all the girls who bang him all do it with the lights out like I would.

Pitt still looks amazing. I've noticed films keep trying to give him shitty haircuts to make him less attractive. Probably so we take him seriously as an actor rather than look at him as just a piece of fuckmeat. But it doesn't work.

Agreed, Di Caprio is like the male Cameron Diaz, just aged horribly.

He looked worse at 30 than Tom Cruise did at 50.
Brad pitt looks like he could actually whup some ass. Only way leo can win a fight is thru underhanded treachery
And Pitt is the male Jennifer Aniston?

Or J lo.

But no seriously of the big name actors I can think of Pitt, Cruise, Depp.

They all aged pretty well.

Clooney seemed to be grey at 25 but his skin held up well.

Men’s skin just tends to age better than women’s.

Only guys I can think of who aged badly are Jude Law (bald) and Di Caprio who was basically only a teen idol plus his face gained 20 pounds.
Bunch of banned people ITT, must have caught the internet aids from browsing this thread unprotected.
Full homo

Brad Pitt in his prime is my jam

What movie are they filming together?
Brat Pitt, Leonardo had the "acting" just because he played a retard.
When I was a kid all the girls liked Keanu Reeves in his youth he had a lot of girls drooling for him he had an exotic look

Keanu was tall dark and handsome with a chiseled jawline


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