BREAKING: Fedor vs. Mitrione Fight CANCELED

Fuck. I was so looking forward to this fight tonight.
Well, on a related note, the idea of hating a fighter because of his fans on an internet forum REALLY freaking baffles me.
I agree, that's why I like fedor but not his fans.

Dude is so respectful and yet his fans are complete dickheads. (Not all of them).

But sometimes people are introduced to fighters like this, they hate the fans so they want to see the person fall.

It's sad really but that's how it works.
idk why they dont make Kongo-Fedor now. Its a similar fight for Fedor and Kongo gets a big name he was complaining that he had to fight oli. Makes sesne last minute as they were both cleared by the csac.
I don't think I've seen anyone say that in years, if they did they were probably just a troll.
A few actually believe it and that he would beat JDS and Cain in his current form. Lol
Couldn't just pay Kongo's opponent and move Kongo up to face Fedor?
Flew in to San Jose last night, was just about to head to the fights.........

Got refunds, me and my buddy aren't paying $90 each for Thompson/Pitbull, good fight but worth $20 tops. Card has no other value FUCKKKKkkkkkkk

Willl watch on TV and be bitter AF
add him to the list @BC


Eat least Fedor will get a little older before his next fight *rolleyes*

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