Brock Lesnar destroys cain velasquez!


Proffesionler Sherdog Poster
Oct 7, 2018
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Proof diverticulitis free brock destroys cain! we can finally put that to rest!
Couldn't even make him breakdance
Cain > Brock
jesus christ are they really comfortable having Cain thrown around like that?

I wouldn't even be shocked if he's in a wheelchair for the next 6 months.
if that was real cain would be dead
Cain looks like your average Joe from the crowd
No "it" factor

I know he wrecked Brawk in his prime but that doesn't translate over
He just wanted some space man...
Damn Rey and Cain took some hard bumps there.

Proof diverticulitis free brock destroys cain! we can finally put that to rest!

lol that looked painful, Brock was tossing them around like they were toddlers.

Rey hit that wall hard and Cains leg could have got reinjured the way he landed.
What a shit storyline. Idiots don't even know that Cain doesn't need Brock to get injured.
That was actually pretty funny but fuck did Brock take too long to come out or something? Super cringe that dude repeating "Need some space here guys" and Cain and Rey Mysterio just doing whatever the fuck they were doing...
Proof that pro-wrestling is not for lean-to-the bone MMA fighters at weigh-in.
Cain is gonna be the first legit hell in a cell death in wwe's history. An irish whip into the cage and he'll shatter through the links like a pane of thin glass....
Holy shit that's a nasty bump by Rey