Elections California Requires Trump's Tax Returns to Appear on the Ballot

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You'd think this would be struck down under amendment 4 of the constitution. But who the fuck knows anymore. Fed judges rule in crazy ways at times.
Oh dead god, you think abolishing the electoral college has bipartisan support? It's entirely 1 sided because it make California decide elections for the rest of the country. Also, you gave Maine and Vermont as examples of "bipartisan"? Seriously? Felons who were registered and felons who register after release lean 5-7x in favor of democrats. And glad you at least admit the FBI investigation was entirely done by the 14 partisan democrats. Cheers.
I never said it did, you doufus, I clearly explained why I thought it made sense to abolish the EC as it's dumb. How would it make California decide elections for the rest of the country when California's vote in favor of Democrats over Republicans were only 4 million votes in the last election? 4,000,000 out of 120,000,000 votes cast is what 3.5%? But California currently gets 55/578 which is like 9.8%? You really think California suddenly becomes more powerful because millions and millions of Republican votes would actually count toward the national election? Vermont has had felons with the right to vote through the inception of the state. So, Republicans oppose allowing felons to vote simply because it makes them more likely to vote against them? That also seem to be less than the likelihood of blacks voting for Republicans, yet Republicans on her scoff at the idea that they're trying to suppress black voters eligibility to vote.
Yeah, it's for sure not gonna stand.

But why not force candidates to show their tax returns? How is that information bad for the public? If we can ask candidates to show their birth certificates or marriage records, this seems fair game.

If only Trump would tweet....ok dems, I’ll disclose my tax returns if you support IDs to vote....put up or shut up Dems.::
If only Trump would tweet....ok dems, I’ll disclose my tax returns if you support IDs to vote....put up or shut up Dems.::

"Okay Dems, I'm not going to comply with your request unless you make a law affecting every single American. Put up or shut up Dems."

I would prefer if our president didn't use the people as a political shield.
This is going absolutely nowhere.

Seems wonky and absurd to try and alter the prerequisites for presidency because you dislike a candidate.
"Okay Dems, I'm not going to comply with your request unless you make a law affecting every single American. Put up or shut up Dems."

I would prefer if our president didn't use the people as a political shield.

I don’t think trolling the Dems is the same as a “political shield”. After all, they started it.....lol
Yeah, it's for sure not gonna stand.

But why not force candidates to show their tax returns? How is that information bad for the public? If we can ask candidates to show their birth certificates or marriage records, this seems fair game.
Birth certificate is necessary as it would otherwise disqualify a candidate. That's basically constitutional. Everything else, I feel mixed on. Would like to see his tax returns tbh. But this is a shady and undermining way to do it
I would agree that it's not a power granted by the Constitution implicitly that doesn't mean we should just hand wave what's becoming a major tool of the elites to micromanage election results on both sides of the isle.

Did you mean "explicitly"?

Also, who is handwaving the issue away? The point is it's not an issue for SCOTUS.
Here's my thing.

If this was written for any and ALL candidates from the fucking city assessor of Lodi on up to the guy running for President of the US I wouldn't have THAT much of an issue.

BBBBUUUUTTTTT, we all know it probably was just for Trump.

True but Trump is also the first President that didn't release his tax returns in 40 years.

When Norms are broken they tend to become law. But I don't think this is California's decision to mak
True but Trump is also the first President that didn't release his tax returns in 40 years.

When Norms are broken they tend to become law. But I don't think this is California's decision to mak
True, there's a small part of me too that sees it and mentally goes "this is a Nothingburger... no Republican in this day and age/foreseeable future will win CA in a national election so who gives a fuck"
Lol @ TS fleeing his own thread because he's afraid to answer questions.
I think it has a very strong chance of standing. The state has a compelling interest in ascertaining the fiscal elements of people running for office in their state.

I think this survives on the same general reasoning that allows partisan gerrymandering to survive. How much can you control the states when it comes to their local election processes?

Remember, no one in a state is directly running for President. They're running for the state's share of Electoral College votes. It's an entirely local process.
Democrats for voter suppression. Hypocrites.
As it should. Anything to remind the people what a Crooked disgusting man they are dealing with.
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