Social Can homeless people be fined for sleeping outside? A rural Oregon city asks the US Supreme Court

You should be studied. Probably get your own chapter in DSM.

get some therapy dude. no one in life should be this broken because they made a small and completely understandable error.
My favorite part is how he’s trying to explain to me what the metro area I’ve lived in for 20 years is comprised of.
I think they are inter-mingled, but not always synonymous. Some with mental disorders do self-medicate, some loathe being on medication.
Medication isn't the be-all and the end-all for most. It's barely the beginning sometimes. The idea that you can just give a mentally ill person some meds and suddenly they're fine is insulting, quite honestly, and the exact problem with the way people view the entire issue, IMHO.
"Portland went through extraordinary length to provide free or low cost housing through bond measures"
"What happened? The homeless population skyrocketed. Portland spent 1.7b on housing programs..."
This is like when he was convinced that drug use is correlated with homelessness but then insisted that the literal statical measurement of correlation didn't matter because it didn't support his argument. Amazing.
This is like when he was convinced that drug use is correlated with homelessness but then insisted that the literal statical measurement of correlation didn't matter because it didn't support his argument. Amazing.

Anybody that doesn't believe drug use is HIGHLY correlated with chronic homelessness is being misled by leftist propaganda.

I'm not sure what statistical measurements you're speaking of (thread TLDR), but the only ones I've seen that argue against drug use being a primary factor in homelessness rely on self-reporting--which is about as reliable as self-reported dick length statistics.
Anybody that doesn't believe drug use is HIGHLY correlated with chronic homelessness is being misled by leftist propaganda.

I'm not sure what statistical measurements you're speaking of (thread TLDR), but the only ones I've seen that argue against drug use being a primary factor in homelessness rely on self-reporting--which is about as reliable as self-reported dick length statistics.
If you were to compared drug use rates or drug overdoses by state with homelessness, you would find an incredibly low r/r2.

So unless you think West Virginia is massively overreporting drug usage or California is underreporting its drug usage, stats are stats. No one disputes that drug use can be underreported in surveys, but the problem is there is no reason to think folks lie differently based on state residency.

The issue with the logic you mentioned is that, for example, you'd find sky high drug usage in wall street and hospitality, yet not sky high homelessness. Saying X percent of homeless use drugs isn't evidence of correlation, yet along causation.
The government wastes billions of our dollars per year. And they can't find some money to build some open aired structures with some bathrooms so the homeless can crash at night and not get rained on?
Obviously the point of a fine wouldn't be to collect the money. Sounds like they're trying to furnish law enforcement with the legal grounds to remove the homeless at their will from places they shouldn't be.

These people are a blight on small town America. That's mentioned in the article. They're littering the ground with thousands of dirty, potentially disease-carrying needles just yards away from playsets built with taxpayer dollars that were meant to be playgrounds for children. That doesn't even mention the trash and pollution they create. My town dredges out many tons of human waste every year because they don't take care of it. Some of this runs off into the river.

So I'm all for it. It's time to get more proactive. It was just so much better for everyone involved when we committed these people to state mental institutions.
Skip the fines, enact legislation with teeth.
Let's fine people who are already broke.... brilliant
The thing is, many aren't broke; they just don't have enough afford rent, so when you fine them, they have the wonderful choice between being considered criminals or being driven ever further from being able to afford housing. It's hateful and dumb at the same time.
The representatives for the un-housed in this case are arguing that there arent enough options within the City in order to enforce this. An americus brief supporting the City's effort to criminalize homelessness is coming from Gospel Rescue Mission, which is the ONLY viable of 4 options in the City.

"GRM is a Christian ministry that requires all residents to work for them without pay for “six hours a day, six days a week in exchange for a bunk for 30 days.” They also cannot look for outside work during that month. That’s not all though. They must also attend church every Sunday (from a pre-approved list); Unitarian services are not acceptable. And they have to attend a chapel service twice a day. And they can’t smoke or drink. And they can’t have sex during their stay."

Their perspective seems to be that the homeless should be converted or be punished. They also made this cute little advertisement:

Oh and in their infinite kindness in the image of God, they're known for turning away the disabled:

Just to be clear, here is their spokesperson's explanation of homelessness with a neat little magic trick about why everyone gets it all wrong.

Spoiler alert, he never once mentions the increased cost of housing, that wages dont increase to suit cost of living increases, or a lack of housing inventory. It's essentially all the moral failure of homeless people. Big surprise.
The representatives for the un-housed in this case are arguing that there arent enough options within the City in order to enforce this. An americus brief supporting the City's effort to criminalize homelessness is coming from Gospel Rescue Mission, which is the ONLY viable of 4 options in the City.

"GRM is a Christian ministry that requires all residents to work for them without pay for “six hours a day, six days a week in exchange for a bunk for 30 days.” They also cannot look for outside work during that month. That’s not all though. They must also attend church every Sunday (from a pre-approved list); Unitarian services are not acceptable. And they have to attend a chapel service twice a day. And they can’t smoke or drink. And they can’t have sex during their stay."

Their perspective seems to be that the homeless should be converted or be punished. They also made this cute little advertisement:

Oh and in their infinite kindness in the image of God, they're known for turning away the disabled:

Just to be clear, here is their spokesperson's explanation of homelessness with a neat little magic trick about why everyone gets it all wrong.

Spoiler alert, he never once mentions the increased cost of housing, that wages dont increase to suit cost of living increases, or a lack of housing inventory. It's essentially all the moral failure of homeless people. Big surprise.

Sick fucks.
How dare they discourage homelessness!?!?!?!?

People like you have made it so the only solution will be a hard solution. You're not helping these people.
Those Monsters indeed...laughing. They never actually help...but as long as they feel virtuous that's all that matters to them.
Those Monsters indeed...laughing.
They're fucking idiots. Seriously this is the dumbest issues we have in our society that people take sides on.
We really can't agree that homelessness should be discouraged and corrected in any way possible? Really? People think they're helping people by giving homelessness some ersatz status?
They're fucking idiots. Seriously this is the dumbest issues we have in our society that people take sides on.
We really can't agree that homelessness should be discouraged and corrected in any way possible? Really? People think they're helping people by giving homelessness some ersatz status?
That's what happens when certain people perpetuate the idea that people are victims and it doesn't actually take will power and fortitude to pull ones self out of situations life has dealt them or they have dealt themselves.

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