Canadian Govt sets new rules for hiring on govt funded projects

Shouldn't recent immigrants have jobs I the first place? Why are they immigrating without having a job? Probably should just explicitly say refugees since those would be the only immigrants without jobs given Canada's relatively strict immigration policies.
A) I'm all for letting Canadians decide how best to run Canada, so I will say that my opinion doesn't really matter on how you guys decide to govern yourselves.

B) We actually do something like this in the US in regards to federal contracts. My wife does this work. It's called the 8(a) Set-Aside program. Each federal agency has to give a certain percentage of contracts or its contracting budget to Women-Owned Small Businesses, Minority-Owned Small Businesses, Native Hawaiian-Owned Small Businesses, Native Alaskan-Owned Small Businesses, Native American-Owned Small Businesses, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, and I am sure there are others. What ends up happening in a lot of cases that a big company finds someone who meets one or more of these categories, helps them start a company, and then partners with them so that they can all help make each other rich. It's something of a dirty game, but that's the game. I have really mixed feelings on it. On one hand, I'm glad that others are being given the opportunity get in the game, creating competition and innovation in the marketplace. On the other, a lot of these small businesses don't seem capable of doing some of the things that they're tasked to do, so it's really just a bigger company pulling the strings behind the scenes to ensure that the project doesn't fail. I bet the same kinds of games end up happening for these Canadians companies when the government seeks to procure work.
Sounds like institutional racism against white people to me...But what I do know?
Perfectly legal in Canada. Discriminatory hiring practices are allowed as long as they are "to make up for past practices"
A) I'm all for letting Canadians decide how best to run Canada, so I will say that my opinion doesn't really matter on how you guys decide to govern yourselves.
I'm pretty sure we've proven that we do not deserve that right. At least over the last few years. I'll get back to you in 2019.
You know who I don’t want building my bridges? People with no experience building bridges, put on in the name of diversity.

Don't worry, they're bringing in a local shaman to bless the bridge.
How about just hiring the most qualified person without regards to race, ethnicity, sex or religion?

If life was only that simple .... we'd have no whites in STEM in 10 years.
Shouldn't recent immigrants have jobs I the first place? Why are they immigrating without having a job? Probably should just explicitly say refugees since those would be the only immigrants without jobs given Canada's relatively strict immigration policies.
Not if you're the british type of "asian".

My brother, a minority veteran and my dad a combat wounded veteran , they thought of making wooden boxes for the govt and changing crazy prices for them.they didn't because they have a sense of morality. But these stuoid programs are just asking to be scammed
"Cities, provinces and territories building new roads, bridges, water and transit systems funded with federal dollars will have to let Indigenous Peoples, veterans and recent immigrants have a hand in those projects under new rules being unveiled today."

Sounds like a pretty great idea to me. Even the righties should be happy since veterans are being included.

Full article here-
Recent immigrants?

That should be fun
Are you saying whites are incapable of entering STEM? Sounds pretty racist to me.

I'm saying if the trend continues in a decade or two, whites will need some type of assistance to complete in STEM with Asians and South East Asians. Go walk around any major university in a big city and you'll get it.

More cultural than racial. Don't see too many white tiger-moms, lots of asian, brown, and jewish ones though.