Canadian whites under fire for refusing to more to the back of a concert

I wonder if I'm getting banned soon, or if they stacked on some more infractions or something? I can't access my user account, edit, or like posts.

Is kln banned or double yellows?

I've seen a few "RIP kln" posts and sigs, but it seems he only got an infraction and not a full blown ban.

Would be a shame to lose one of the better WR posters.
I thought the person who refused to move was there volunteering to take photographs for the venue, meaning she was there more in a professional capacity than she was simply being a fan in attendance.

When I heard photographer i kinda thought it was spin on fan with a camera phone.
I thought the person who refused to move was there volunteering to take photographs for the venue, meaning she was there more in a professional capacity than she was simply being a fan in attendance.
I know. My comment was more direct toward the concert goers that were also part of the issue.
Whites should just stop supporting her and going to shows.

Problem solved.
When I heard photographer i kinda thought it was spin on fan with a camera phone.

I recall the word "volunteer" being used. Not gonna bother re-reading it so if I fucked this up please shower me with ridicule.
I recall the word "volunteer" being used. Not gonna bother re-reading it so if I fucked this up please shower me with ridicule.
Not at all. Play on playa
I recall the word "volunteer" being used. Not gonna bother re-reading it so if I fucked this up please shower me with ridicule.

Well i aint gunna.

I put forth the motion that teppo does it.
My problem with these race-hustlers is that they target the wrong people in their confused quest for social justice. Are the white people attending the concert the major problem in the world? The majority of them are likely decent, hard working people who care for their families and do what they can to get by in life. They are not the problem. What is attacking and humiliating them going to accomplish? It will only accomplish division and animosity between friends and neighbors, brothers and sisters.

The real problem are the elite corporate whores, crooked politicians and banksters who rig the system in their favor and take advantage of the weak with the intention of lining their pockets. It is the elites that should be attacked. Instead, there are useful idiots like this self-righteous singer who go around pointing their fingers in the wrong direction, dividing innocent people while distracting people from the real problems.

In short, the social justice warriors are dividing innocent people while the guilty march on.
I disagree, the type of white people attending such a concert are probably a bunch of degenerates and hedonists but that also goes for their non-white counterparts.
Trudeau should go back to his Cuban homeland. Here is a picture of Trudeau with his father:


lol there's no way he isn't his father .. he looks nothing like his parents


So the artist believes the white people standing at the front are there because of systemic racism?

Sort of following up here, but as someone who doesn't believe that systemic racism has completely disappeared I still find this off-putting. I could see an argument if the front row seats were more expensive than the seats in the back (though even then it's a very flimsy argument). As it is this looks like it was more about white-shaming than it was lifting-up minorities. Like @HIMBOB mentioned earlier I don't really have a problem with her telling other people to come up to the front - it's telling other people to move to the back that's wrong imo.

I think there's still some work to be done to level the playing field for certain minority groups. However, I don't think it's a zero-sum game where, in order for minority groups to have more opportunity, you have to deliberately take it away from someone else. Income inequality, incarceration rates, etc. are all symptoms of bigger issues that need to be solved at a lower level. They’re the results of equations, not necessarily the variables in them (though I’d agree there’s some recursion).

I thought the person who refused to move was there volunteering to take photographs for the venue, meaning she was there more in a professional capacity than she was simply being a fan in attendance.

Even still, if my boss told all of the white people to go to the back of the office I don’t think that’d be acceptable - even though as my boss he can request quite a bit. IMO the artist had more of a right to ask the concert goers than the staff. I think people have a right to feel included at work. I don’t care if theyre made to feel uncomfortable at a concert. It’s shitty, but it’s not the same kind of pressure as having that put on you by your boss/superior/senior.
As a Canadian, I find the entire episode disturbing. Not just that it's racist, yeah, that's disturbing on a surface level, but part of the culture here has always been about keeping to yourself. Not advertising your politics or being confrontational has always been a staple and it's part of the reason we're seen as nice; in reality we're nice in a not-friendly-but-polite way where everyone keeps to themselves. Shuffling people around, and even yelling at them because of their race flies in the face of all of that.

And above all of that, Canada doesn't have a history of slavery and Jim Crow. Race was never a hot-button topic here like the States, but it's becoming that way. I grew up along side all sorts of different people, and nobody every questioned it, and now that's changing. That's what's disturbing.
American political paradigms get exported worldwide and its not just race. Sexual minorities around the world use the language and tactics of the American LGBT movement, which is a shame because I think the American LGBT community celebrates open degeneracy a bit too much and now those elements get exported alongside the efforts by sexual minorities to fight the very real oppression they face around the developing world
that's pretty nazi.
punch a nazi always, even when she's a singer
jokes aside, imagine that poor girl, being insulted by an entire crowd and removed by the company just for the color of her skin. crazy
Seems like it was resolved appropriately. The artist removed the individual and the concert supported the artist's action and distanced themselves from the individual.

What am I missing here?

You are missing the fact that you are racist as well.
She's the white Rosa Farts.

Maybe white people will learn to start listening to more appropriate music.

For me personally, this is not a problem because I know these people hate me and I hate 'em right back. lol

Stop listening to garbage and this won't happen.
Is kln banned or double yellows?

I've seen a few "RIP kln" posts and sigs, but it seems he only got an infraction and not a full blown ban.

Would be a shame to lose one of the better WR posters.

so that's pwent, kiln, kone, wiolent one, blackened, sodapopinski, lex bigelow, and presumably several others i don't immediately call to mind

talk about a purge



But according to @panamaican the issue was "resolved"

You are missing the fact that you are racist as well.


You really are something.

i don't get it

is he just pretending this thread never happened?

what am i missing here?
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Not at all. Should it be called out? Certainly, but it's my understanding this attitude is par for the course with this lady so I have limited sympathy for white fans that support her then are treated like this.

Now if they didn't really know her but just went for a show that's another matter entirely.

Either way, that's for Canada to deal with.

It was a festival with like 50 bands over several days.