Canelo says Ryan Garcia is “wasting his talent”

Jonathan Utah

Everyone’s Favorite Casual
Sep 17, 2021
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Interviewer: I do want to ask you specifically about Ryan Garcia, who just had wrist surgery. Where do you see Ryan going forward because he’s one of the brightest young stars in boxing?
Canelo’s response: Look, Ryan has a lot of talent. But to me in my eyes, he’s wasting a lot of time and wasting his talent. I look at him and don’t see him 100 percent dedicated and, to us, that’s a bad signal. We always remind him as a team to come to the gym, to train, and to learn because you need to be in the gym. You’re learning day-by-day, at the very minimum fighting five times a year. When I was beginning my career, I did 15 fights in one year. That’s where I was at the beginning of my career. So definitely he needs to be a little more dedicated.
It's pretty clear from Garcia's social media.

Maybe it was the 20th video of him taking a punch to the gut from a random person or him doing it to someone else, or perhaps pretending to punch the mitt off the trainers hand.
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Garcia probably has too much money and pussy at this point. He has probably lost the eye of the tiger.
Pretty much.
In the words of khabib a top fighter’s daily life is like a prison.
Garcia was making more money outside boxing for a year now. The only reason he still does it is cause it’s his hobby since childhood. But it’s not his main source of income.
Garcia probably has too much money and pussy at this point. He has probably lost the eye of the tiger.
Precisely. This is the eternal battle of all aspiring talent that eventually reaches their goal. Why do you do a certain craft/trade: because you love doing it or you like what it can afford you? You see this in music in acts/bands all the time too, where they make an awesome first album when they are poor and hungry and then become rich spoiled celebrities and their music starts to blow...

You need the love for your craft and the pursuit of greatness to outweigh your desire for the fruits fame/money/success can afford.
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Canelo would be correct. Garcia seems to be doing too well financially with social media to really dedicate himself to his craft in the ring.
Canelo had a conversation with Ryan this morning, which I found on Youtube:

Would Ryan still be popular on social media if he wasn't a boxer? I don't really know much about that world.