Can't seem to do squat and deadlift

Fuck off squats, deadlift with a trap bar with high handles, once your pulling over 550 you can class it as leg day.

While trap bar deadlifts are fucking awesome, I wouldn't consider those a full on substitute for the king and queen of barbell lifts. It's a great accessory lift.
While trap bar deadlifts are fucking awesome, I wouldn't consider those a full on substitute for the king and queen of barbell lifts. It's a great accessory lift.
You are right. I just figured the shorter range of motion could help him if squats are hurting too much. At least he could still put some weight on a bar go beast mode, because beast mode is required at least once a week.
You are right. I just figured the shorter range of motion could help him if squats are hurting too much. At least he could still put some weight on a bar go beast mode, because beast mode is required at least once a week.

They are fucking awesome, and those are actually my normal deadlift accessory while zercher is my squat accessory, but I think the entire pattern is still important.

If you can't squat then you have a fundamental movement issue that needs to be addressed. Every man should be able to squat and deadlift without pain.
OT squats and deads shouldnt hurt. I would buy a pvc pipe and practice thousands of reps (seriously) with the proper posture, stance, etc. (you can look GTS over the internet) however i'd recommend you watch pendlay's vids on youtube on how they pull AND squat. just keep doing it over and over and over until it doesnt hurt then move on to a barbell. keep doing bb only until it doesnt hurt then add weight. if you rush into it (like you did already) then you will get injured. hope this clusterf### of a paragraph helps. best wishes

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