Law Capitol Rioter Megathread

It's not really a matter of opinion. The electors are already certified by officials in each state a month prior to Jan 6. Pence's role in this is ceremonial.

the folks who showed up on the 6th weren't studying political law before they booked their trips to the capitol they were trusting the candidate they rabidly supported who implied he had a way so none of this post really matters.
Why did Nancy Pelosi deny two requests from the Capital Police Captain to get beefed up security? Why was the people that stormed the capitol filled with FBI agents? Yes deep state stuff, clearly. It wasn't just Democrats though.

If I keep repeating lies over and over, they become true, right?
You're ducking the question. You think all those were coincidences?

I just spelled it out for you.

-trump team publicizes some kraken legal bomb to take back the election. It's not real but it's helping buy him time to exhaust all means.

-election getting certified would put an end to those efforts so stop the steal rally becomes a hail mary attempt to buy more time while trump is begging the likes of pence and others to join the effort.

-it actually does stall the certification for a day but no one is jumping in to help trump so it all goes nowhere.

Legal definitions of these don't depend on how likely they are to achieve their endgame. silly take to have

I am a business executive for a company that has large strategic initiatives for multi-billion dollar projects. That is not a plan. That has no chance... ever.

That's the shit made up in MSM circles to sell to stupid people who will believe and repeat it.
the folks who showed up on the 6th weren't studying political law before they booked their trips to the capitol they were trusting the candidate they rabidly supported who implied he had a way so none of this post really matters.
Cool, the people that stormed the capital or retarded. No argument here, that's not what we are debating. That doesn't change the fact that you all are falsely acting like democracy was on the line and they could have actually accomplished something.
I am a business executive for a company that has large strategic initiatives for multi-billion dollar projects. That is not a plan. That has no chance... ever.

That's the shit made up in MSM circles to sell to stupid people who will believe and repeat it.

what you do for a living couldn't have less to do with anything on jan 6th. Lame flex lol. How many folks there were billion dollar company executives sherlock?

You're still ducking my first question. Your posts are getting sloppier.
I couldn't describe it any better myself than to say you have your tinfoil cap on. {<shrug}


Did you watch the long form interview with the Capitol Police Chief from January 6?

Did you watch the congressional hearings that confirmed FBI presence?

While you are trying to mock the other guy, you're making an fool of yourself. You need to do some homework and quit relying on the MSM for your fake news.
what you do for a living couldn't have less to do with anything on jan 6th. Lame flex lol. How many folks there were billion dollar company executives sherlock?

You're still ducking my first question. Your posts are getting sloppier.

You claimed there was a plan. You're full of shit.
You're admitting to repeating lies?

Our system would be a dumb as Dan Quayle if it let the Vice President (President of Senate) have total control on whether or not to certify an election. Fortunately it isn't that dumb and Pence had zero ability to reject electoral votes.

This is all smoke and mirrors.
Yet trump kept telling him he could on multiple occasions. On that day. In front of his rioters. Asking someone to do something illegal sounds illegal doesnt it?
It's not really a matter of opinion. The electors are already certified by officials in each state a month prior to Jan 6. Pence's role in this is ceremonial.
I'm not even making an argument about who should and shouldn't be prosecuted.

I'm pushing back against the argument that this could have "overthrown democracy", no it couldn't have. There was no way for them to overturn the election, whatsoever. They could have occupied that building for days, all they were stopping was a formality. The electors had already cast their ballots.
If it had no chance then why were a slate of fake electors sent to pence and why did he refuse them if it was a big nothing burger and he had no power? Obviously a lot of people disagree with you and thought it could be done and had a well-paid plan to achieve it. Hence all the charges.
If it had no chance then why were a slate of fake electors sent to pence and why did he refuse them if it was a big nothing burger and he had no power? Obviously a lot of people disagree with you and thought it could be done and had a well-paid plan to achieve it. Hence all the charges.
trump has degraded norms and rational thinking. This has never happened before because no president has ever been this much of a lunatic before.
It's not really a matter of opinion. The electors are already certified by officials in each state a month prior to Jan 6. Pence's role in this is ceremonial.
The plan was to have the Pence reject the official ones and then kick it back to the States where they controlled the Legislature to vote on which to send. This was literally part of the plan. Stop complaining that it would have never worked, complain about the corrupt sacks of shit attempting to steal the election, it wasn't Pelosi and the FBI at fault here it was Trump and his second string lawyers that decided to do this.
You claimed there was a plan. You're full of shit.
-trump team publicizes some kraken legal bomb to take back the election. It's not real but it's helping buy him time to exhaust all means.

-election getting certified would put an end to those efforts so stop the steal rally becomes a hail mary attempt to buy more time while trump is begging the likes of pence and others to join the effort.

-it actually does stall the certification for a day but no one is jumping in to help trump so it all goes nowhere.

Plans don't have to likely to succeed to be plans. You responded to this with your job title erroneously and that was lulz

You think it was a coincidence they all traveled to the city the election was being certified in, the day it was being certified, and happened to march on the building it was being certified in coincidently the very moment it was happening and in an completely unrelated decision making moment choose to assault capitol police to get inside? no planning? you're the most gullible person on the internet and probably run a pretzel cart.
The electors are already certified by officials in each state a month prior to Jan 6. It was already certified, Jan 6 is a ceremonial formality.

These are literally the arguments your side was making prior to Jan 6 when Trump tried to claim Pence could reject electors.

You all conveniently forget that because it doesn't fit your narrative about "almost ending democracy!" nonsense.
There were literally multiple State Legislatures ready to vote those fake electors legitimate. It's like you're taking your talking points straight from TR7MP's website. Here take a read through this.
