Cartoons you loved as a kid!

All cartoons were good as kid but one that really was illogical was acme rocket wolf i mean that wolf was doing everything right but always loosing in stupid way
Underdog has yet to be mentioned itt for a reason. Timeless!
Shouldn't see Speed Buggy up in here either.

Thundercats was GREAT!

I loved Robotech and would wake myself up before my parents to watch it at 6 AM.
I practically shot out of bed and made my coffee just to see the next episode. I was like 9 so coffee was Cheerios and O.J.

Edit: because I'm a crack monkey i didn't see the "turned out to be shit" part.
Robotech is the best cartoon aside from Loony Toons.

Robotech was my favourite too
Wow... looking back 40 years later... He-Man was awesome


Bets era for watching cartoons mid 80's to mid 90's.

- Doug
- Rugrats
- Batman the animated series
- Ninja Turtles
- Bobbies world
- Animaniacs
Bets era for watching cartoons mid 80's to mid 90's.

- Doug
- Rugrats
- Batman the animated series
- Ninja Turtles
- Bobbies world
- Animaniacs
Good list.
Some of the cartoons you listed were hard for me to watch because they were Nickelodeon exclusive, and cable television was a luxury that my family wasn't willing to pay for.
Batman was a great show, absolutely top tier voice acting.

My 7 year old boy has watched the first ever episode of Thundercats and loves it. Animation wasn't bad. The voice acting is clunkier.
Captain Planet I Guess. The 90s didn't really have any bad cartoons. Not any ones that I watched.
I absolutely loved GI Joe and the Transformers as a kid. Could never figure out why my father never sat down and watched it with my brother and I.

As it turns out, as an adult think I would rather be stabbed in the ear with an icepick while my balls are being stapled to a piece of hot leather than listen to those fucking shows.