cheaper/similar alternative to syntha 6?


White Belt
Apr 7, 2011
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ive been getting the big ol things of chocolate bsn syntha 6 protien powder. but have recently started working and paying for everything myself, and dont really have the money too keep up the bsn stuff, and have heard a little bit about there being other things that may be just as good.

I was also wondering if there are any other things that you would reccomend for someone who is doing muay thai 2 times a week and bjj 2 times a week. hour long classes each time. i have been taking some n.o xplode before training every once in a while. is there anything that i could use for a small amount of fat burning that would be healthy.

anyways i would love it if i could get some advice for products that i should use, that might not be quite as hard on the budget as the bsn stuff.

thanks in advance!
I don't do the typical pre-workout supplement stuff, but I will occasionally mix up a shake with chocolate powder (ON Gold Standard usually), some skim milk, and some coffee that I made the night before and refrigerated with a few ice cubes. Gives me a bit of a kick and it tastes like Starbucks.

As for the Syntha-6 replacement, I'd say just get a regular protein powder and mix it up with other things you like. I enjoy Syntha-6, but it's a bit more like a high-protein meal replacement shake than a true protein shake cause there's quite a bit of fat and carbs in it. I posted in another thread that I like to mix up chocolate powder with a banana and all-natural peanut butter.

Also, I always try to buy powder from Check the "subscribe and save" option and you'll get free shipping. After you get your order, just cancel the subscription, which you can reactivate at any time. Saves a ton of money.
Drop the NO Explode.

Buy some caffeine pills and B-vitamins for pre-workout.

Buy your value-brand protein (ON 100% is a good price point).

Save $$.

Spend rest on steak and booze.
Switch to Trueprotein or proteinfactory. ON is overpriced and you get a mix up of whey isolate and concentrate when for that price you can get pure isolate. Preworkout - 2 spoons of instant coffee is your preworkout. I don't know how much protein you consume from powder but if you want to minimize your total protein intake consider Ajinomoto Bcaas.
you could check out some of the recession whey at trueprotein or you could make your own custom blend.
Syntha-6 is overpriced compared to many other similar proteins.

I personally use micellar casein, but that is because the company I use makes great tasting stuff.
Drop the NO Explode.

Buy some caffeine pills and B-vitamins for pre-workout.

Buy your value-brand protein (ON 100% is a good price point).

Save $$.

Spend rest on steak and booze.

how much b12 do you recommend PRWO?