Social Chechnya reportedly bans all music outside of 80 - 116 BPM

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Jan 26, 2015
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Chechnya has reportedly banned all music outside of the 80 - 116 BPM range, effectively forbidding techno and other dance music genres from the Russian republic.

As Sky News reports, the region's culture ministry released a statement last week demanding that "all musical, vocal and choreographic works should correspond to a tempo of 80 to 116 beats per minute".
Artists reportedly have until 1st June to "rewrite" any music that doesn't fulfil the new tempo range otherwise it won't be allowed for public performance.

Impact on the society, is there any , due to this bpm restriction, what do you think ?
I hope they added in an exemption for the sweet, sultry sounds of T-Swizzle
Most rap is over 80bpm
Only chopped and screwed tracks allowed fam
Chechnya has reportedly banned all music outside of the 80 - 116 BPM range, effectively forbidding techno and other dance music genres from the Russian republic.

As Sky News reports, the region's culture ministry released a statement last week demanding that "all musical, vocal and choreographic works should correspond to a tempo of 80 to 116 beats per minute".
Artists reportedly have until 1st June to "rewrite" any music that doesn't fulfil the new tempo range otherwise it won't be allowed for public performance.

Impact on the society, is there any , due to this bpm restriction, what do you think ?
Sky News - trustworthy source