International Children ‘piled up and shot’: new details emerge of ethnic cleansing in Darfur

The UN Security Council is supposed to handle these things when it comes to genocidal conflicts. Sanctions work when the primary source of sanctions are from the countries applying them. The Sudan still trades with countries like china, india etc. If you were going to protest, then you are protesting for the US to push things in the council to step in and resolve the conflict.
nothing to protest! we've all done the best we can. we've driven all the change we can and we should all be very proud of how our hard work has paid off.
nothing to protest! we've all done the best we can. we've driven all the change we can and we should all be very proud of how our hard work has paid off.
Well I dont see anything changing with the UN as China and Russia will likely veto any action on the Security Council. Just a sad state of things. People can protest whatever they want. I'm not trying to drag Israel into this convo. Peeps can protest that if they want. My point is that this should take international notice and action (UN) but sadly will not.
This. This has been going on for years and the international community turns the other way. The UN is like a john travolta gif...
Given their track record, the people of the area would be LESS safe if the UN got involved. God that organization is worthless.
Surely nationwide protests will be starting over this conflict any day now.

You don't seriously expect people to have the same standards for Sudan as they have for Israel, which claims to be a respecter of human rights and a modern democracy, do you?

The purpose of 'protest' is to try to change the minds of those in charge.

Who's supporting ethnic cleansing in Darfur that needs to change their stance?
Yeah I think its a false equivalency.
The UN Security Council is supposed to handle these things when it comes to genocidal conflicts. Sanctions work when the primary source of sanctions are from the countries applying them. The Sudan still trades with countries like china, india etc. If you were going to protest, then you are protesting for the US to push things in the council to step in and resolve the conflict.
The point is the relationship between the US and Sudan is very different from the relationship between the US and Israel and that this explains why Americans aren't protesting Sudanese atrocities.
Yeah I think its a false equivalency.

The point is the relationship between the US and Sudan is very different from the relationship between the US and Israel and that this explains why Americans aren't protesting Sudanese atrocities.
The point for me is that one is to stop funding the Israelis (fair even though strategically may make sense for the govt) the other is to protest in order to make movement on our politicians. I never said they were the same and didnt even try to compare the two. My point is that the world as well as peeps here will sit on the sidelines on some of this.
Why would anyone even protest these events? The US government already sanctions both parties in the conflict. Personally I think its pretty silly to compare Sudan to Israel when Sudan is a pariah state that has sanctions placed on it while Israel receives billions in military aid annually from the US.
Uh. Because one of them is actually genocide and then there is Israel and Gaza.
Uh. Because one of them is actually genocide and then there is Israel and Gaza.
So what would these protestors be protesting then? Their government which sanctions both parties in the conflict?
Another one of the Middle Eastern / African nations that cast off the yoke of oppression of those British (or more usually French). Those evil imperialist meanies!

Everyone pay attention. See how that worked out for them.

Have fun with Russia. Or maybe China. Give them a call. Heard they're great.

What is interesting is that all the people who cry about white colonialism and such being everything wrong with the world, will never comment on black Muslims genociding black non Muslims.

Where is from the the chants of “from darfur to the Red Sea, we need Chads to set us free!”

The Chadians fuck up boko hamas
This. This has been going on for years and the international community turns the other way. The UN is like a john travolta gif...

Not just the UN, but all these retard protestors that have taken to the streets since October. Been asking since then where were all these dorks when Africans being genocided by Biko Hamas for years now. Oh yea, they don’t care cause they weren’t told to
Not just the UN, but all these retard protestors that have taken to the streets since October. Been asking since then where were all these dorks when Africans being genocided by Biko Hamas for years now. Oh yea, they don’t care cause they weren’t told to
Why would they protest over the war in Sudan when our government sanctions both parties in the conflict?
Why would they protest over the war in Sudan when our government sanctions both parties in the conflict?

To draw attention to the issue to get more of a response and intervention from the international community, etc. Seems pretty straight forward IMO. Give resources to the Chads (which we probably already do), so give them more, to help stop genocide of black and brown people. Simple as, in’it?

Edit: and while we may sanction both sides here… is that even true? Who are you designating as sides being sanction? But on the other hand, we fund both Hamas and Israel. Fun times
To draw attention to the issue to get more of a response and intervention from the international community, etc. Seems pretty straight forward IMO. Give resources to the Chads (which we probably already do), so give them more, to help stop genocide of black and brown people. Simple as, in’it?
No one is going to protest for a muscular military intervention when these kinds of wars are very unpopular. Protesting to end complicity in atrocities is a more straightforward and uncomplicated goal.
Edit: and while we may sanction both sides here… is that even true? Who are you designating as sides being sanction? But on the other hand, we fund both Hamas and Israel. Fun times
We send military aid to Israel which is different from sending humanitarian aid which may or may not get appropriated and redirected.
No one is going to protest for a muscular military intervention when these kinds of wars are very unpopular. Protesting to end complicity in atrocities is a more straightforward and uncomplicated goal.

We send military aid to Israel which is different from sending humanitarian aid which may or may not get appropriated and redirected.

Just curious, as i admittedly am ignorant. When you say both sides here are sanctioned, can you elaborate on which are the two sides, and what are their various sanctions?
Just curious, as i admittedly am ignorant. When you say both sides here are sanctioned, can you elaborate on which are the two sides, and what are their various sanctions?
The two sides are the Sudanese Armed Forces(SAF), or the regular military of the country, and the Rapid Support Forces(RSF), who are an independent militia that grew out of the Janjaweed militias that formed during the earlier years of the Darfur conflict. In 2019 there was a popular uprising that removed long time dictator Omar Bashir but instead of successfully transitioning to democracy the two military factions eventually seized control of the country. The country spiraled into war when those two factions went to war with each other over a proposed law to fold the RSF into the SAF which the SAF wanted done in two years while the RSF wanted a decade.

The sanctions are largely targeted at the key individuals involved in the conflict and the sprawling business interests that the two sides use to fund the conflict. For instance the RSF has control of gold mines in the east of the country IIRC and I'm sure the SAF has state owned enterprises. These types of groups, both entrenched militaries and upstart paramilitaries, use an opaque web of businesses to maintain and expand their power and to bypass sanctions and embargoes.

That's all the top of my head so take it with a grain of salt and do your own research.
Idk too much about all this. But I read UAE is arming the RSF in committing these evil acts, but Muslims and others say nothing against UAE. They speak up when they feel Muslims are hurt, oppressed or killed by non-Muslims in Palestine, EU, Myanmar or India, but not when Muslims are the perpetrators.
(Obviously this sort of double standard isn't unique to Muslims, but if a group is claiming to be morally righteous they shouldn't be this way).
It can't possibly be true that overreaching bot accounts are at a loss to understand why westerners have more of a political stake in Israel.
The two sides are the Sudanese Armed Forces(SAF), or the regular military of the country, and the Rapid Support Forces(RSF), who are an independent militia that grew out of the Janjaweed militias that formed during the earlier years of the Darfur conflict. In 2019 there was a popular uprising that removed long time dictator Omar Bashir but instead of successfully transitioning to democracy the two military factions eventually seized control of the country. The country spiraled into war when those two factions went to war with each other over a proposed law to fold the RSF into the SAF which the SAF wanted done in two years while the RSF wanted a decade.

The sanctions are largely targeted at the key individuals involved in the conflict and the sprawling business interests that the two sides use to fund the conflict. For instance the RSF has control of gold mines in the east of the country IIRC and I'm sure the SAF has state owned enterprises. These types of groups, both entrenched militaries and upstart paramilitaries, use an opaque web of businesses to maintain and expand their power and to bypass sanctions and embargoes.

That's all the top of my head so take it with a grain of salt and do your own research.

Fair enough. In terms of doing my research, i did some google searches before that reply to see, but I guess since the situation is a mess, would have been time consuming to find a good answer, but what you said makes sense.

That being said, I would rather do no funding and/or sanctions to either side and let them just duke it out and not have sanctions so that capitalism can prevail.

If anything, as always, fund the chads.

Further though, my point is that a lot of the protestors and such, especially in America, are quite ignorant to the situation, which I admitted I am, which is why I am not protesting either side. If they actually cared about genocide to black and brown people, they would be whining and rheeeing about what is going on is darfur (and other areas), which for years has been worse than Israel and Gaza. But they won’t because it is too much mental gymnastics and actual reasoning for them, than to simply say “white people bad and brown/black people good”.
Fair enough. In terms of doing my research, i did some google searches before that reply to see, but I guess since the situation is a mess, would have been time consuming to find a good answer, but what you said makes sense.

That being said, I would rather do no funding and/or sanctions to either side and let them just duke it out and not have sanctions so that capitalism can prevail.

If anything, as always, fund the chads.

Further though, my point is that a lot of the protestors and such, especially in America, are quite ignorant to the situation, which I admitted I am, which is why I am not protesting either side. If they actually cared about genocide to black and brown people, they would be whining and rheeeing about what is going on is darfur (and other areas), which for years has been worse than Israel and Gaza. But they won’t because it is too much mental gymnastics and actual reasoning for them, than to simply say “white people bad and brown/black people good”.
I think its silly to thumb your nose at those protestors for not knowing or caring when you yourself don't know or care about the conflict. Further I think it shows a misunderstanding of why those protestors are protesting and how this situation in Sudan might be meaningfully different from the one in Israel-Palestine.
I think its silly to thumb your nose at those protestors for not knowing or caring when you yourself don't know or care about the conflict. Further I think it shows a misunderstanding of why those protestors are protesting and how this situation in Sudan might be meaningfully different from the one in Israel-Palestine.

What is the difference? And why aren’t they even calling out Sudan? Do they even know of the Sudan conflict? I think they don’t.

And if they don’t, but we’re more aware, it would open up a bigger and much more meaningful conversation. But the protestors clearly are not open to a conversation

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